Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fool's Gold

There are many delights
upon which to set our sights.
There are many pleasures
that we may choose to treasure.
Yes this world is full of false hopes and cures
and of this you may be sure -
Check the Bill of Goods you've been sold
for this world is full of Fool's Gold.

Sins are often not presented as sins
but come gift-wrapped and disguised as soulish whims.
Why not do it? Everyone else does!
It was the crowd that crucified the Lord of love.
That which the world sets its heart upon
(the lust for wealth and flesh goes on and on),
is temporary and passing
and will not be out lasting
the pleasure that comes from knowing Christ -
the one who holds the keys to Eternal Life.

So distract yourself from this worlds' goal.
Stop spending the currency of your soul
on what, in the end, will only prove to be,
                         Fools Gold!

Thanks Kari!

Friday, September 20, 2013

He was never gonna make a fortune sellin' chiclets
He was never gonna make a fortune sellin' smiles
But there were other ways a man might just get rich yet
And lustin' after money just wasn't his style.
So he spent his life on somethin' money couldn't buy
That is, love and laughter and tears of joy fallin' from the eye.
He preached the Gospel in a way that made sense
His humility led many a soul to grow wise and repent.
And he took the only thing a man can take to his grave -
His own sacred soul and the many others he helped to save.....

Sunday, September 15, 2013

This world is but a reflection
of my undying affection
for you - my crowning jewel,
the epitome of perfection;
my precious bride,
called to forever be
by my side.
So what will bless and delight?
A sunrise each new day to greet her sight?
What will bring her cheer?
A songbird to fill her ears?
What will capture her heart?
A love that will never depart,
that will ever flow
into the well-spring of her soul...

Oh my precious Bride
this world is but a glimpse
of what's coming for you and I...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Should your life take a turn for the worse.
Should you feel like you're under a curse,
remember this because you should -
"All things work together for your good".
How can this be? You ask incredulously...
How can good come from a tragedy?
Truthfully -
When we're hurting and in pain,
we should count it our highest gain,
because it's then we draw near
to the One who counts our tears.
The comfort He shares with us
is more precious than gold that rusts.
Trials teach us that we must
not in man put our trust.
And not set our hearts on this fallen world
but keep our gaze steadfast on Heaven's pearl -
The New Jerusalem, the city made by our God King
wherein there is an end to all our suffering....

Friday, September 6, 2013

Hugs and Kisses

A hug is an expression of love's intent
that our hearts would knit together with the one for whom the hug is meant.
As our hearts become one, make this prayer your own -
"May your heart reap the love that you have sown".
May nothing come between us
that fails to highly esteem us.
For God has personally knit his heart to ours
with the love that fully redeems us...
So as our hearts draw near
let the love that's sincere,
pure and Holy, be found here..
May the only fragrance our hearts exude
be the balm of a love that's in full bloom...

A kiss is an expression of love's intent
that our lips would only bless the one for whom the kiss is meant.
May all that passes through our lips, all words, all speach,
only bless, edify and nourish the one who's ears they reach.
As our hearts are knit together, make this prayer your goal -
"Oh may my words be as a kiss upon your soul".
"May nothing I say taste bitter in your heart but
sweet water only may my tongue impart".
Remember now this saying found in Holy writ -
"Let us greet one another brethren with a Holy Kiss".

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Warrior Poet

The Warrior was a poet
and through the years he came to treasure
words more than wars
sonnets more than scars.
Though he was renowned for
his prowess with a sword,
it was his words that would live forevermore.

He slew his giant
because he was reliant
on God's strength not his own.
And though it took many years
and though he endured many tears
                         eventually he
                         fulfilled his destiny
                         and he sat upon the Throne...

But through it all he never quit
        writing words of worship.
He never ceased wanting
        his God to be known.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...