Friday, November 29, 2013

Twas the day after Thanksgiving
and all through the house
not a person was eating
not even my spouse.
We'd had dreams of turkey all through the night
and we knew we couldn't eat one more bite.
But as we arose with the morning sun
we heard a great clatter!
I cried out "What in tarnation!"
And I ran to see what was the matter.
I heard a cackle and I heard a strange laughter,
then what to my wondering eyes did appear?
But Tom Turkey himself, plain and clear!
He came charging down the stairs from my roof,
landed in my kitchen and said "What's up with you?"
I was too shocked at first to reply,
so he said to me with a twinkle in his eye
(as he looked at our left over turkey's remains)
"You may have got to my cousin, I forget his name,
but you'll never catch me!" he proudly exclaimed!
"I fight for the freedom of my brethren everywhere!"
As he pulled out a gun I couldn't help but stare.
"Yes, someday soon us turkeys will fight back!"
"You'd better get ready and prepare to be attacked!"
"If you think we'll continue to calmly be slaughtered,
why, you're crazier than a river otter!"
"No, we'll resist and I'm leading the way."
And he shook his wings like fists
as his beard bobbled and swayed.
He then fired his gun into the ceiling twice,
looked at the damage and said "that'll suffice."
He leapt to the window sill and looking back with glee
he said "Happy Thanksgiving, Turkey!"
And this he proclaimed as he flew out of sight -
"Freedom for all and to all a fair fight!"

"Man that's one wild turkey" I said
as I watched him go,
"looks like I'm gonna have to buy a bullet proof stove!"

Monday, November 25, 2013

Live Curious

Live with a child's eyes.
Delight in being surprised.
Never stop exploring this incredible world that surrounds us...
Always live curious!

When your heart ceases to wonder,
when your mind stops being amazed,
when you're no longer affected by the lightning and thunder,
when a glorious sunset leaves you unfazed,
when you're more excited by something man has made
then it's time to remember this phrase -

"Do whatever you must
     to get back to living curious"

If there was a chance to see
the mammoth oaks of Hyntaree,
would you?
If you could gaze upon
the Aurora Borealis of legend and beyond,
would you?
Well, would you?
Does your curiousity
take you beyond normalcy?
If not,
then you might as well let your body rot
because without wonder and mystery
your life is quite empty
and boring
so keep exploring.
I hope you enjoy more than fantasies.
I hope your reality
is the greatest pleasure you receive.
O it's my fervent desire
to go deeper and higher
with each passing year -
far beyond what man holds dear...

"May your sky be a launching pad not a place you can't reach".

May your soul soar higher
than you've ever been or known
till you arrive before His throne
where you'll find you've come home...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

If you ever live on an island,
you won't want to live anywhere else.
You'll thoroughly enjoy the ocean breezes
and gentle ocean swells.
You'll enjoy the hospitality
of everyone you meet -
Even perfect strangers
you pass by on the street.
Life is lived at a slower pace,
it's nice to finally quit running the rat race.
The food is better,
wine is sweeter,
water is wetter,
life is neater,
really, the only thing to do
is get busy just being you!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Plea Bargain

The point is -
You should offer the Judge a plea bargain to avoid going to trial
because once you go to trial it will be too late then.

See, one day you'll wind down.
Your muscles will weaken,
your smile will turn to a frown
and your heart will stop beatin'.

Then you'll face your judgment,
then it's too late to repent,
then we'll see where you'll be sent.

So go before the Judge now,
ask for leniency, ask for mercy.
Offer the Blood of Jesus Christ
as the fine to pay for your sinful life.
Offer a "guilty as charged" plea now.
Throw yourself on the mercy of the court.
You can't pay the fine anyhow.
Your advocate, Jesus, is truly your only resort.....

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Before Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they could not sin. To sin is to "know to do good and to do it not". Sin is not doing wrong, rather it is not doing right and we cannot do what is right if we dont know what is other words, you can only sin if you know its a sin.
So God wants us to quit eating from the wrong tree, spiritually. He wants us to eat from the tree of Life, which spiritually is Christ (eat my flesh, drink my blood). He wants us to know Him, not what is good or evil in man's eyes.
Death can only exist where sin exists. When we partake of (eat of) holiness and righteousness, instead of sin, when we pursue knowing Him instead of what is good or evil, we will live forever and not die. Only our outer shell, our bodies will die but like a seed, they will be transformed into something eternally glorious......hallelujah!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Most of my dreams have come true
since I began to follow You...
You have so graciously granted
the desires in my heart You have planted....
When I was but a baby
you saw who I'd grow up to be
and You quite eagerly
delighted in me.

And I, Lord, delight in You...
I rejoice to know the God who
grants us our heart's desires
and lights within us a Holy fire
that will consume all that's unclean
so that He may fulfill all our dreams....

Sunday, November 3, 2013

We're goin' where the road takes us,
trustin' in the Lord to wake us
to a new reality -
Majestic adventures, spiritually!

Don't know, don't care where we'll end up.
We're livin' the life called "Adventurous".
Our reality's better than any movie,
join us for the ride and you too will see -
Living by His Spirit's a grand destiny!

So let's let go of life's reins,
let's not abort what's been born again,
let's become God's best friends,
let's quit following earthly trends!

God's ways are so much better.
His thoughts are so much higher.
With Him you'll never be bored, not ever,
in Christ you'll labor but you won't get tired.

So I'm tellin' you straight
religion produces spiritual fakes,
outwardly looking and sounding right
but inwardly no resurrection life.

So often it's best to embrace the unknown,
where the Holy Spirit leads - go, just go!
Even if "where" is something you don't know,
when He calls, it's best to just follow....

Authors note: God is continually trying to wean us off of the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil...we are so used to eating from religious churches, they are constantly seeking knowledge...they sit around and the pastor dispenses it and they sit and swallow it, day after week after month....they always want to know! Where did you come from? Where are you going? Abraham was led by God into an UNKNOWN land....and he obeyed and went....they that are of the Spirit are like the cant tell where they are from or where they are going....this type of Saint, drives religious Christians nuts...but always remember, the wind is free to go wherever God sends it, it cannot be controlled by man, hallelujah! When we stop eating from the wrong tree, we become all about seeking HIM! His presence, not knowledge....AMEN.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...