Sunday, November 3, 2013

We're goin' where the road takes us,
trustin' in the Lord to wake us
to a new reality -
Majestic adventures, spiritually!

Don't know, don't care where we'll end up.
We're livin' the life called "Adventurous".
Our reality's better than any movie,
join us for the ride and you too will see -
Living by His Spirit's a grand destiny!

So let's let go of life's reins,
let's not abort what's been born again,
let's become God's best friends,
let's quit following earthly trends!

God's ways are so much better.
His thoughts are so much higher.
With Him you'll never be bored, not ever,
in Christ you'll labor but you won't get tired.

So I'm tellin' you straight
religion produces spiritual fakes,
outwardly looking and sounding right
but inwardly no resurrection life.

So often it's best to embrace the unknown,
where the Holy Spirit leads - go, just go!
Even if "where" is something you don't know,
when He calls, it's best to just follow....

Authors note: God is continually trying to wean us off of the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil...we are so used to eating from religious churches, they are constantly seeking knowledge...they sit around and the pastor dispenses it and they sit and swallow it, day after week after month....they always want to know! Where did you come from? Where are you going? Abraham was led by God into an UNKNOWN land....and he obeyed and went....they that are of the Spirit are like the cant tell where they are from or where they are going....this type of Saint, drives religious Christians nuts...but always remember, the wind is free to go wherever God sends it, it cannot be controlled by man, hallelujah! When we stop eating from the wrong tree, we become all about seeking HIM! His presence, not knowledge....AMEN.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...