Monday, December 23, 2013

An invitational prayer to the Holy Spirit

I encourage all my readers to pray this from the heart at your next gathering of the Saints -

Dear Holy Spirit -

We welcome your friendship and your fellowship. We thank you for your presence in this place right now, within us and without us. We thank you for revealing the Father's will to us, right now. Lead us and guide us into Jesus - who is all Truth. Anoint us to do your will. Make us one, as you, Father and Jesus are one. Be pleased with us today, for we seek to please You and give you pleasure. We love you. We wait on you now, to do your bidding. Selah.

At this point, spend a few minutes in silence. Wait to hear from Him. Find out what He wants to do. He may, in fact He will, prophecy through whom He wills. He will reveal His agenda for the evening. He may heal hearts or bodies (prophecy is healing for the heart). He may inspire songs and hymns of praise, original hymns, never before heard. He may inspire testimonies to be shared. He may instruct an offering be taken for a needy one. It's all up to Him, and it's up to us to listen and obey.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...