Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Oh how I long to tell you
of the love of my Savior who
has been so sweet and kind to me
and brought me from obscurity
to live among
the enlightened ones
forever shining as the suns
 I wish you'd know
how He wants you to go
where hate and fear
no longer flow
from heart to heart
from mind to mind
but instead we drink love
of the purest kind

So join with me
and you will see
how deeply God cares
for humanity

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I've been depleted but not defeated
I've lost the battle but not the war
Satan yet will become unseated
and one day will no longer darken my door
His foul breath and twistedness
will not yet destroy my soul
For the love of my God
can yet still, reach me and rescue me
and make me whole.

Oh my Lord
I've been tested sore
but You, my Lord
still seek to restore.
Your faith and love
are unlimited
that's why
I cry
for Mercy instead.....

Saturday, January 18, 2014

This whole world   is an act of love
from our sweet loving God above
Gift wrapped so beautifully
for you and for me

Ah, this world, this life
for so many a waste
That they get to briefly taste
of the Glory to come
but refuse to embrace
the Holy One
who gave the gift
He tried, yes He did
but you ran and you hid
Used the very fig leaf He made
to try to cover your shame
When all along He forgave
but you refused to see
and believe
so He
let you go.....
it broke His heart to do so......

Monday, January 13, 2014


Lord, this world is nice enough, I suppose
Seen some beautiful sights, as far as that goes
but as I ponder this Life I’m in the midst of
One thought stands out and really sticks –
Lord, I’m getting Homesick.

Sure I appreciate Creation’s Glory
Sometimes I think I can almost taste Your Majesty
But the greatest thing about this life that I can see
Is that each day brings me one step closer to You for Eternity

Lord, I’m not complainin’ but if I had to pick –
Lord, I’m getting Homesick
I know I’m a soldier stationed far from home
I must fulfil my service, surrounded by many or all alone
I must obey my Commander-in-Chief
Till one day to my great relief
In the blink of an eye
Yes, just that quick –
I’ll no longer be

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Lord's lament - Remember Me

I painted you a sunrise,
a glimpse of Glory to greet your eyes.
I notice when you notice Me
and when you daughter giggled
as you softly tickled her feet,
I too enjoyed her company.

 You see all that I've created
should be jointly celebrated
by you and I together, can't you see?
So when that song uplifts your soul,
when you're at peace as that river rolls,
won't you please, oh please remember Me?

We're meant to enjoy together
all your life-long pleasures,
whether music, art or sweet intimacy,
no matter the cause
when you're happy just give pause
and please, won't you please,
            remember Me......

Monday, January 6, 2014

Blessed the day!
Blessed the moment!
Blessed when the time
doth cease to foment
war and strife
and hate filled hearts
Rather love becomes a rampart
upon which hate is weak
And thus no matter the changing tide
Our hearts bare forth the love for which He died
So the only blood which passion now incites
Is the blood that God's veins spilt on Calvary's height
Doth matter not whether Greek or Jew
Just this -
Does God dwell inside of you?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

True Faith

True Faith is a gentle, daily thing,
giving each minute of each day as an offering.
True Faith is measured over the length of a lifetime.
True Faith is steadfast and will forever shine
as the stars in the Heavens bright and beautiful.
True Faith is righteous and honorable.

True Faith refuses to quit,
no matter what faces it.
True Faith loves God without ceasing.
True Faith knows why the human heart is beating.
True Faith sees God in the smallest of details -
a butterfly's emergence, a wind-filled sail,
a sunset's brilliance or an eagle's flight,
True Faith sees with God's sight
and takes delight
in all God has made,
Yes, True Faith will never fade.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...