Monday, January 13, 2014


Lord, this world is nice enough, I suppose
Seen some beautiful sights, as far as that goes
but as I ponder this Life I’m in the midst of
One thought stands out and really sticks –
Lord, I’m getting Homesick.

Sure I appreciate Creation’s Glory
Sometimes I think I can almost taste Your Majesty
But the greatest thing about this life that I can see
Is that each day brings me one step closer to You for Eternity

Lord, I’m not complainin’ but if I had to pick –
Lord, I’m getting Homesick
I know I’m a soldier stationed far from home
I must fulfil my service, surrounded by many or all alone
I must obey my Commander-in-Chief
Till one day to my great relief
In the blink of an eye
Yes, just that quick –
I’ll no longer be

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...