Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Each act of kindness
each and every day
Helps cause Christ
in a child's heart to stay
As a Mother and a Father
do not cease to pray
and with words and deeds
Christ's love they demonstrate,
the child's heart
cannot help but contemplate
the fact there is a God
full of love and not hate.
So very important is
the parent's obedience and grace
For when a child looks upon them
they should be looking upon God's face.
So parents take heed
that every word and deed
brings your child to the place
where it's God they hear and see
and it's God they'll know they need.....

Thursday, February 20, 2014

They say live your life
but don't cause any strife.
Remember this time after time -
hey, boy, don't you step out of line.
Say what we say,
do what we do,
think what we think
and we'll accept you.
Well I say -
step out of line!
Make a fuss, yell,
cause that line you're in
is going straight to Hell.

Don't be afraid,
don't be concerned,
despite what they say,
they never learn.
They're not Holy,
they're not right,
they're pleasing man
in darkness not light.
And this is how you'll know
where it is they'll go -
When you leave them
or disagree, they'll hate you so.

So rebel against their rebellion.
Don't follow their hardened hearts.
Don't agree to submit to
what they wish to impart.
Obedience to them leads to the death
of your faith, your life in Christ
will die unless you get free
and dwell in the light.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.
Where the spirit of religion is there is captivity.
It is for freedom that Christ set us free -
Stand firm therefore and do not submit
again to a yoke of slavery......

Saturday, February 15, 2014


You talk too much.
We don't like you makin'
such a fuss.
So just hush.
Quit talkin' to us.
We don't have ears to hear,
so why waste your time here?
We don't want truth
in the inward parts.
We'll honor God with our lips
but never with our hearts.
Hush. You apostles and you prophets -
don't waste your time.
Whatever you say we'll pay it no mind.
And if you keep on bad-mouthing our religious ceremonies,
we'll do our best to ruin your ministry.
So you'd better hush,
just hush.
We need quiet cause we're spiritual babies.
Oh hush.
Please hush.
The last thing we want to do is wake up.
We'd rather remain immature and lazy
so hush.                Shhhhhh, hush!
What we're trying to say is "shut up"!
Don't teach doctrines with which we don't agree.
We're in bondage to doctrines of devils
and we don't want to be free,
Man, go away!
We don't want to hear what you have to say.
Keep it up and we'll throw you in jail,
we'll do our best to see your ministry fail.
It's for your own good!
Hush, only speak what we think you should.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Our God delights in blessing us.
He longs to give us gifts.
He'll dote on us, make a fuss,
to bless us He will insist.

He only needs a heart that yearns
to belong to Him alone;
a soul that desires to turn
away from sin and to His throne.
The tongue that will confess
it's sin, and "The Lord is my righteousness"
is the one that He can bless.

He loves to love us.
It delights Him so,
when we humbly trust
that blessings He will bestow
let Him give, let Him show
the love He has stored
for you alone.....

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sinner's lament

We choose our path, we walk it long
and sadness lasts and lingers on,
For when we choose the path of sin
it leads us far away from Him.
We thought it good, we thought it fine,
we wasted the precious gift of time.
Now we've arrived on Heaven's shore
only to find a closed door.
And we cry, and we wail
and we weep bitterly
"why oh why did I fail
    to love and embrace Thee?"

So like the rich man who lived in luxury
only to find Hell was his destiny,
I pray these words, meager though they be
will somehow open your heart's eyes to see -
You must with all that is in you, quite sincerely
turn to Jesus now and cry out for mercy,
for to wait to cry out later is to fail miserably
for where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth
is where you'll forever be.....

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sometimes there's nothing left to do but the doing
Time to get up, get going, get moving
Don't sit and procrastinate
or failure may be your fate.
So "Arise and be doing"
when the time is right.
Rise, I say, rise up and join in the fight.
Go on, quit yourself like a man
Rise up now and take a stand
Go and take your promised land

The enemy's plot
believe it or not
Is to keep you inactive
till your body and soul rot.
So there'll be no misconstruing -
     "Arise and be doing"
was repeated by Jesus
when He spoke to the phonies
He said
"The doers of My words
and not hearers only"

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...