Saturday, February 15, 2014


You talk too much.
We don't like you makin'
such a fuss.
So just hush.
Quit talkin' to us.
We don't have ears to hear,
so why waste your time here?
We don't want truth
in the inward parts.
We'll honor God with our lips
but never with our hearts.
Hush. You apostles and you prophets -
don't waste your time.
Whatever you say we'll pay it no mind.
And if you keep on bad-mouthing our religious ceremonies,
we'll do our best to ruin your ministry.
So you'd better hush,
just hush.
We need quiet cause we're spiritual babies.
Oh hush.
Please hush.
The last thing we want to do is wake up.
We'd rather remain immature and lazy
so hush.                Shhhhhh, hush!
What we're trying to say is "shut up"!
Don't teach doctrines with which we don't agree.
We're in bondage to doctrines of devils
and we don't want to be free,
Man, go away!
We don't want to hear what you have to say.
Keep it up and we'll throw you in jail,
we'll do our best to see your ministry fail.
It's for your own good!
Hush, only speak what we think you should.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...