Monday, March 31, 2014

There's an answer in the Word
for any question you've ever heard.
No man will be able to
confound or confuse
The Lord on Judgment's Day.
No argument will be able to persuade,
no tongue may disavow
what The Lord has forbidden or allowed.
The smartest man you ever knew
will not be able to
what The Lord has determined
to be right and true.
The Lord will finish what He has begun
and His judgments will stand forever
and silence will envelope every human tongue
so trust this word - trust this missive
for no one will be able to be dismissive
of the word of The Lord at that moment.
All will be humbled, all will submit
in fear and awe of Elohim.
Your pastor won't be able to
help you or save you then
but you'll personally give account for all
you did or didn't do to and for Him.....
and your sin......
if not under the Blood of Him who is your judge eternal.......

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

In the darkest night
the Gospel's light
will shine so bright

So you - carrier of the Gospel's seed,
do not avoid darkness and grief.
Do not avoid hardships and suffering
for it is in the midst of these very things
that the Gospel is most noticed, most living,
shines the brightest.
In the midst of every test
is where you'll be most blessed.
So if you find yourself in deep darkness,
lovely one, it's there the Gospel becomes most real -
not just words written or said
but actual power to raise the dead,
heal the sick, prophecy and overcome the darkness,
all of it, with Holy zeal -
In darkness, light has the highest impact.
Satan's kingdom cannot be beaten back
unless we confront it, go on the attack,
go to the strongholds,
pull down the tent poles.
Like with Samson, just when the enemy thinks he's won -
is the very moment when his kingdom will come undone....
We'll snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
and Satan's shame will be complete....

In the darkest hour
the Gospel's mighty power
will devour
all Satan's schemes and plans.
The victory will be God's not man's.....

"It should not be possible to attend a normal church service in today's society without harboring a deep desire to change it"

Friday, March 21, 2014

Souls are always more important than goals,
than programs, than names on a roll....

Souls are worth any cost
any price, any sacrifice
but win them to Christ,
not to man's religion
nor to dead or dying "churches"
full of false decisions
of whom God holds in derision.

Bring them into God's presence
not the Pharisees leaven.
Fill them with the Holy Spirit
that's overflowing out of you.
Teach them by example
to be followers of Christ,
lovers of truth.

and show them, always bestow them,
with the tenderness and love
wherewith Christ loves you....

Sunday, March 16, 2014

All that man's created, is one day fated, to fade away, to cease to be. Like a garment that no longer fits, this world will be put away with all that's in it. They're trying so hard to build their own tower of Babel but one day soon it will all unravel. All man's plans, all his glory, will one day be dismissed like the end of a short story. Don't keep your eyes where they don't belong. Don't shun the right and love the wrong. Don't continue to live in Babylon... Come out of the false Christian religion, don't hesitate to make this decision! They have a form of godliness but they don't know Him. In their pride they think they're entering in but the sad truth is they're followers of Satan, honoring a religious system of their own makin'. For they are unable to love as God does, instead they're full of hatin'. If you dispute their false doctrines - they hate you. If you don't "submit" to them they'll replace you. If you have authority aside from theirs - they'll disown you because you're wheat and they're tares. But do not despair - for Jesus warned us about their behavior. He said they'd try to kill us believing they're doing God a favor. He said to rejoice when it's we they persecute and hate, for our reward in Heaven, like the Prophets, will be great. So endure their shame until the end, for they will all see and know then, Jesus loves you and not them. They will bow before you at your very feet, as Jesus proclaims to them his love for you so sweet. Let them mock you and slander and curse, believe me now, their fate will be far worse, than anything they've dreamed of for you, dear friend - He is not slow in keeping His promises as some count slowness to be, but when He comes to deliver you it will be like the birth of a baby, and you will forget all their animosity and hate. So weep now not for your present trial, but weep for their fate. Forgive them their sins for God has forgiven you. Do your best to turn the other cheek, for God loves the humble and He loves the meek. Do not lash back out at them, show the higher standard, walk the higher path, and by so doing, in the end, fully escape God's wrath. They're blind and deaf yet they believe they're God's best. They're naked and wretched and lame - all the while they're praising Jesus' name. They walk in the pride of the Pharisees. What they are is a modern day tragedy. Their religion is something God truly despises, full of the traditions of men, full of compromises. They will not enter in (to the Holy Spirit's presence), and they prevent others from doing so too. They actually hate the Holy Spirit and all He wants to say and do..... Their ministries stink with an awful stench, for they honor Satan's will while the Holy Spirit they quench. They despise prophecy and all of the Spirit's gifts, they especially despise Apostles and Prophets. They will only honor Pastors, they will only honor themselves. They seek the honor and approval of men and they're all going to Hell - So flee them, come out from their presence quickly. Do not be caught in their modern day Babylon, when God's judgments fall thickly. Save yourselves, come out of their deception, for every bit of their religious system, will know God's eternal rejection. There are no "churches" or "fellowships" anyway, but all in Christ are one Body. No labels, no names apart from His, but above all - no one over anyone else, but rather each one to each other submit, and follow only those who are full of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is our Apostle, Prophet, our Pastor, our Teacher, Evangelist - He Himself alone is all of this, and only men and women full of His Spirit, should be honored to be called "leadership". There, I've said it. I got it out of my chest. I sincerely desire that everyone who reads this will be mightily blessed. Please, follow Christ and no man, for He will lead you to a far distant (promised) land, pure and free of this filthy world that loves fallen flesh. No, He will lead you on a path of love to the wilderness. There He will anoint you with oils and spices, and there He will accept all your tears and sacrifices, and there He will know you as His intimate, Holy Bride. (The Spirit and the Bride say come for indeed they are One). And there you will find this most precious prize - The knowledge that you will forever be found at His side.......

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I lament, not for the Bride for she is being purified, but for all who claim to be a part of Christ (Christianity) and yet do not know Him, strangers they remain. This causes me much pain. Their deception is great, oh what will it take their hardened hearts to break? The Religious spirit - Satan's own prevents the Holy Spirit from being known. They produce rotten fruit. They are unable to love Truth, unable to reproduce what God desires to be born. Satan's armor is pride and on them it's well-worn. So many claim to be followers of Christ but they're full of pride and they aren't very nice. Very few Pastors I've met to Christ are subject.... Their prideful hearts and carnal minds resist Him time after time after time. They love to be seen and heard. The demand respect they haven't earned. They are the Pharisees of today - stay far away from them, and do not listen to what they say.... Seek out they who walk in the Spirit of our God who is Holy and to them take heed and submit to them only..... Satan's strategy is to try to get us to forget what we should remember and remember what we should forget. He wants to sit on the throne of our hearts but his strategy is not to exalt himself but rather get us to exalt ourselves...he wants us commit the same original sin he did, that is, exalt ourselves above God, in essence replacing God on the throne of our hearts with US..with self....

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The crack of the bat.
The umpire's called strikes.
The fresh air in your lungs
and the warm sunlight.
Something about baseball
just      feels      right.

Hotdogs and peanuts,
home runs or doubles,
at a baseball game
you can forget your troubles.

The sound of the ball
smacking the glove,
man, baseball is a game
we American's love!

So take me out to the ball game,
take me out to the park,
cause my Boston Red Sox
well, they play with heart!
Let's hear it for baseball! Give a cheer one and all! My homage to a game I love....Spring and Baseball go so well together! So go enjoy a game this Spring, little league or pro....doesn't matter, just get outside!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Our life is like a staircase.
We can choose if we want to go down towards Hell or up towards Heaven.
We all know that going down stairs is easier than going up,
so that is why we need God.
If we choose to go down then God is on every step
trying to turn us around so that we go up, towards Heaven.
If we choose to go up then God is on every step encouraging and blessing us.
If we stumble or fall God isn't going to leave us.
He will help us up and CATCH US IF WE FALL.
So which way will you choose?

This was given to me by my daughter Karianna, age 11. The "catch us if we fall" part really touched me because the very first poem I ever wrote as a Christian is called "Love will catch us when we fall".

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...