Monday, March 31, 2014

There's an answer in the Word
for any question you've ever heard.
No man will be able to
confound or confuse
The Lord on Judgment's Day.
No argument will be able to persuade,
no tongue may disavow
what The Lord has forbidden or allowed.
The smartest man you ever knew
will not be able to
what The Lord has determined
to be right and true.
The Lord will finish what He has begun
and His judgments will stand forever
and silence will envelope every human tongue
so trust this word - trust this missive
for no one will be able to be dismissive
of the word of The Lord at that moment.
All will be humbled, all will submit
in fear and awe of Elohim.
Your pastor won't be able to
help you or save you then
but you'll personally give account for all
you did or didn't do to and for Him.....
and your sin......
if not under the Blood of Him who is your judge eternal.......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...