Thursday, May 1, 2014

                 Like sifting sand falling
                 through the hour-glass of my mind
                 drifting lazily but inexorably
                 with time....

                 sunlight warms my face
                 I turn towards it, joyfully
                 A child without a care in the world
                             will spider man survive his next battle?

A valley
                 with fields of lush, thick grass
                 gently sloping upward. An Asian lady
                 serves me fried rice for the first
                 time and I love it.

                 I get the giant-sized spider man comic
                 book and I run to my room to take
                 a look, forgetting all about the bike.

Memories   Some are shrouded in fog
                    others are crystal clear
                    I trust my soul knows
                    which to discard
                    and which to hold dear.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...