Sunday, May 25, 2014

Where the lovers go

That's where the lovers go -
to the corner of the park,
where the shadows grow
young, careless, free,
to giggle at one another,
to hold each others hand,
to laugh and love
and be unsure.
To still be on a path of discovery.
To still not know what tomorrow will bring,
to still spend time in joyful wondering,
enjoying the small things,
that's where the lovers go.
Living in the moment.
Creating a past from the sparks of life
shining brightly when they come together -
sparks from the flint of their desire to love
and be loved.

As I age -
I'd rather be young, dumb and in love
than a sage.

I long to live with my heart, again,
with my heart unafraid and wide open
but my heart's become
so cold and hardened.

I'd give it all away
for but a single day
with a heart that knows
where the lovers go.....

Written from the roof top garden on top of the Lotte dept. store in Cheongyonggi, as I watched the young lovers, strolling arm in arm, seeking the shadows......

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