Saturday, June 28, 2014

It's not those that come to Church that are saved
but those that come to Me,     Jesus says.
You can go to church your entire life
yet never become My bride.
You must know Me inside.

My Spirit must be welcomed by your spirit
for by My Spirit I dwell in you - it's true.
Apart from Me you can do nothing
for My Spirit bears My gifts and My fruit
of which you should be in passionate pursuit.

And do not say My Word is all you need
for it is My Word that testifies of Me.
It is given to lead you into relationship,
into Holy fellowship.
It testifies of the Truth - I am the Truth.
Many have My word on their lips
but not in their hearts
(with me they are not in fellowship).

I grieve
to see
so many
Come to Me
Come to Me
all you who are weary
and empty
Invite Me, by My Spirit, to dwell in you.
Don't just hear My words but do.
Enter into all you never knew
not just knowledge
but Me too...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...