Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Door

The Door was wide open
I didn't even have to knock
I had to decide
to go through it         or stop
The Door could only fit
one person at a time
The decision to go through it
had to be entirely mine
If I decided to go through,
if I decided to enter in,
there'd be no turning back
to my lifestyle of sin.

For the Door is Jesus
who is love eternally
And love never sins,
love is always godly.
So the real choice is to
surrender the weapons of my heart -
Lust, hate and pride
keep love and I        far apart.
They aren't allowed through the Door
so they aren't welcome in me anymore

                                        I choose love.

I choose this day to surrender and obey.
I'll embrace my new life
I'll love with words and deeds
my God, my children, my wife.
I'll choose do to what's right
because the only One who's right
chose me.
I'll choose each day
not to turn back
but stay
that my soul may remain
wedded to His name

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...