Saturday, August 2, 2014

There is no one on earth who doesn't need You, Lord.
You are worthy of every heart's adoration.
You are worthy to be exalted above all nations.
There is no soul, there is no tongue
that should not praise the Holy One.....
From Israel to the furthest shore,
oh my God You are worthy to be adored.
You are worthy to be praised,
You are worthy of this Anthem raised -

"Not to us but to Thine kingdom be
never ending praise...
May thine heart be satisfied
with all we are inside,
may You be pleased, oh my God and King
with all I think, all I speak, I sing....."

Let us meet in the desert,
let us meet in the glade....
Anoint me, oh Jesus,
in Your shadow's shade...

Close to You.
Closer     I long to be.
Near to You......      every part of me.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...