Wednesday, September 3, 2014

To my dear daughters -

You're probably lacking in so many things,
in fact, I'm sure there's so much more you should be
receiving from me.
I've failed you in so many ways.
Please know I love you each and every day.
Though I'm weak, though I'm frail,
though I'm often prone to fail,
God's amazing grace can cover my mistakes
because in spite of it all, you're turning out great!
I'm sure your mom has something to do with it
but God should get the lion's share of the credit.
He's taken a personal interest in you.
He loves you as much as He's ever loved me
(and that's a lot) yes, He loves you so tenderly,
for He's looked forward to knowing you since the dawn of creation
with joy and elation.
When He created Adam, when He created Eve,
He was thinking of you too - Karianna and Tiffany,
for the delight and joy that you both bring Him
He gladly gave His life and died of your sin.
So when I fail you, when I let you down -
please forgive me for forgiveness will keep you Heavenbound.
Look at Jesus (your heavenly Father), not me -
keep your eyes on Him for He is your true daddy.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...