Saturday, December 13, 2014

Every Love Song

Every love song ever written
was written for me to sing to you -
You sweet love, with whom I'm smitten,
you sweet darlin' with a love that's true.
So every love song I can think of
I'll sing to you my one true love.
If they run out before our days do
I'll make up some more just for you.
You deserve
every word
ever sung
to a loved one.
Yes, every love song ever written
was written for me to sing to you -
cause baby it's only proper and fittin'
that the love you give is returned to you.
So let me start with this song here,
let me give you some o' them happy tears,
let me give you smiles not frowns,
let me give you way more ups than downs
for you deserve
every word
ever sung
to a loved one...


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...