Saturday, April 11, 2015

As I walked down the street, a group of caged birds called out to me from across the street. I called back - "Thank you!" They sounded wonderful but yet sad that they were caged. Then the Lord told me, many christians are like those caged birds: they look and sound so good but they aren't free as long as they remain in religion.

I saw the bird within it's cage
he had  wonderfully beautiful plumage
He strutted and hopped and flitted about
but oh how he longed to be out

He sang a heart rending song
about the freedom of flight for which he longed

And so many are like this caged bird
so many look and sound good and know God's word
Yet so many are trapped in a religious cage
and are being conformed into the wrong image

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty
Yet in most "churches" the people aren't free
Therefore the Spirit of the Lord is lacking
while the enemy devours and continues attacking
the people suffer in a desert place
and are dying off for lack of faith
Lord, set the caged birds free!
Shake the jail mightily!
And may the jailors come to know thee!
As you set the caged birds free!

And may they survive
as they learn to fly
as they learn to soar
may they know you more and more
as the Day draws nigh
come Holy wind and lift us high
till we're as free as you to fly

-Dedicated to those who long and ache to be free still, who are not content in their bondage.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...