Monday, May 4, 2015

Oh Lord You turn what was meant for evil into our good
Though Joseph was in prison You changed his neighbourhood
You delivered him from all of his afflictions
And gave him favour in the sight of the Egyptians
Then indeed turned his bondage on to the whole earth
Silencing the sounds of the wicked one’s mirth
That through Joseph they might be saved
Though they were so depraved
And You do the same today –
Though evil is what many say
of us, trying hard to curse
You, oh God, put it all in reverse
And You will use us to save
All who curse us today
For You turn what was meant for evil and cause only good to result
Therefore we stand in this day’s tumult
Rejoicing! In this Truth we trust –
If You are for us, no one can succeed against us.
You were put in the pit
That we might come out of it
You went to Hell that we might be well
You suffered from our fall
That we might enjoy all
Our Father’s Kingdom – for it is His good pleasure
To give it to us without measure!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...