Saturday, June 27, 2015

By now you've probably heard the news that the highest court in our land has decided that they are wiser than God. They've decided to legalize gay marriage in all 50 states - whether the will of the people in any of those states is different. By doing so, the Supreme Court has affirmed what some of us have known for a long time - the USA is not a God fearing nation. They have chosen to reject the One True Holy God in favor of another god, one who is unholy, who loves the lie... and not the truth.
It's one thing for two adults to decide they want to commit unspeakable acts together and call it "love", it's another thing entirely when society sanctions and agrees with these sins and indeed legalizes the sin of homosexuality and even applauds it.
Many homosexuals would never admit this but they are in bondage to that sin and would be free of it they .could. My point here is, if you disagree with this sin - never, ever hate them or mistreat them - do your best to love them. God sees their sin and He will deal with them as He sees fit, it's not our place....but I will say this - our once great nation is no longer great, no longer a "shining city on a hill" providing God's light to the whole world and the judgments coming on the USA will make Sodom and Gomorrah look like a picnic in the park.
If you are a God-fearing human and you have read this far - pray for wisdom as to how and when to discuss this with people, it will take the anointing of the Holy Spirit to break through their blindness. Pray for revelation, pray for the Holy Spirit to guard your children's hearts from the sin of homosexuality (indeed, all sexual sin) and pray for God to reveal to you his "cities of refuge" - places where you can live under the rule and reign of the Holy Spirit (not the spirit of Religion disguised as the Holy Spirit), communities set apart and dedicated to Him, not the god of this fallen world full of darkness and not the glorious knowledge of Jesus Christ.
I truly desire good for every homosexual in America, and by "good" I mean, they need to know the truth that they have been lied to; you need to know that homosexuality is a sin and as with all sin, it must be repented of, forsaken, let go of and turned away from, in exchange for the holiness and righteousness only found in the blood of Jesus shed at Calvary. May God open the eyes of your heart before it's too late...

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Everybody's talking in their sleep
Everyone is looking, but very few can see
They're walking around as if in a dream
This whole world is not what it seems.

The whole world slumbers
in a darkness deep.
The whole world's plundered
while everyone's asleep.

Just because they move and breathe and speak
doesn't mean they aren't sound asleep.

The god of this world
has blinded them to Truth.
The god of this world
has bound them since youth.

And only Jesus Christ
can ever shine the light
that causes captives to be loosed -

Everybody's sleep walking
while their enemy's stalking
yet they remain content to be sheep
led to the slaughter
content to remain asleep
while their souls are captured
The lie reigns supreme
in the midst of their dreams......


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Who is a God like unto Thee
that pardons iniquity
and passes by the transgression
of the remnant of His heritage?
That chooses not to curse but instead to bless?
You retain not your anger forever
because You delight in mercy -
oh my God how I delight in Thee!
Oh my God You dwell in the high and Holy place
with all who seek Your face,
with all who have a contrite and humble spirit -
now revive the spirit of the humble,
help them not to stumble,
revive the hearts of your contrite ones
those who do not shun          
You,      who restores comfort to those who mourn
while the world laughs us to scorn,
You, yes You our mighty God
see all and hear all
and you will not leave us or forsake us
Your inheritance, Your people,
the fruit of Your womb,
the joy of your heart -
Behold, your beloved is fair,
fair is Your beloved,
she has dove's eyes
oh love's eyes,
seek us    with desire
oh Most fair on high
Until the day breaks
and shadows flee away
I am with You my beloved
and with You I want to stay
I will get me to the mountain of Myrrh
and to the hill of Frankincense
Where we'll celebrate our love so intense.
There is no spot in You, no imperfection,
You alone are perfect, my ressurection.
Thank You, for out of us,
out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
You have shined in these dark days
You have shone
that You have not left us in this world alone
We give You our highest Praise
oh Ancient of Days..............

Monday, June 15, 2015

My Dad and I are usually considered the "writers" of the family, but turns out my little sister may have some talent.
This is something she said the Holy Spirit gave to her during camp meeting! Love it!
There's a wall around our heart. It protects our relationship with God. The devil is always attacking that wall to try to get in and ruin that relationship. It is our job to protect that wall and, like a good king, God will fight with us. If we let the devil rule us it might seem nice, but if the king isn't strong then the kingdom will eventually fall. No pain, no gain. Also, if the soldiers, we, are lazy, and don't protect the wall, then the enemy will win. A king, or leader, may try with all his might to get his army to fight, but if the soldiers in the army don't want it, nothing will happen. If we don't want a relationship with God, then the devil will find a crack in the wall and will destroy it. If you do want a relationship with God then it's your job to take care of that wall and to build it up stronger. God, our king, will help you, but it's ultimately your choice and your responsibility. When you first accept Jesus into your heart He places that wall there. Inside the wall there is a throne. You can either let Jesus sit in that throne or you can let the devil take over and sit there. You can fight with all your might or you could give up. Jesus will help you. Once He is sitting on that throne you are blessed and safe. If you want to feel safe and be blessed just accept God. He will fight the Devils in you and they will be cast out.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Oh your heart was designed by Me
to love Me faithfully
any other destiny
will end in tragedy

So surrender now      and love Me
     surrender your heart to       Me
     find out how much I love you
     when you give the love that's due Me

Precious,     you're so precious
I know every hair on your head
You are so lovely
so remember what I said
Cast your cares upon Me
for I love you,    faithfully....

T Shirt idea: Jesus loves you, love Him back.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Love Carriers

This life can be compared to a walk through a vast desert - we must perservere until we make it to the next oasis. The oasis I'm referring to is the love of God found in human hearts. He promises in Romans 5:5 "because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us"...This is one of the most precious verses found in all of scripture because it is so rare to encounter a human heart filled with His love, not the selfish, humanistic love we so often find. So when we encounter a heart filled with His love - it is that much sweeter to taste because of it's scarcity.
When we fill our hearts up with His love found in another we then become carriers ourselves (and indeed, His love is the best witness of all), we become  "Love Carriers" as the old Billy Crocket song so aptly put it. So let's all become God's oasis on this desert planet we all live on, deserted of all that is godly and good and replaced with man's ideas of what is "good" or "evil" (because all mankind is eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil). Let's share His love with all who thirst (come to ME, all you who thirst) and are too weak to make it to "Church", where far too often His love is nowhere to be found, where they are just as dry as those in the world. Let's bring His presence to encounter with God in you could be the difference between spiritual life and death for someone today....Amen...

Thursday, June 4, 2015

 I saw this bird sittin' at the top of this tree
bein' just as grand as he could be
and he was totally ignorin' me

He had far more interest
in stickin' out his chest
and warbling as loud as he could -
"Hey world - God is Good!"

He didn't care who saw or who heard
and I thought
                     I should be more like that bird
There's times when I should just shout out loud
"My God is great in the the earth and the clouds!"
"I can't keep quiet, I just can't shut up
be offended or join me             but
I'll praise Him no matter what...."

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...