Saturday, June 27, 2015

By now you've probably heard the news that the highest court in our land has decided that they are wiser than God. They've decided to legalize gay marriage in all 50 states - whether the will of the people in any of those states is different. By doing so, the Supreme Court has affirmed what some of us have known for a long time - the USA is not a God fearing nation. They have chosen to reject the One True Holy God in favor of another god, one who is unholy, who loves the lie... and not the truth.
It's one thing for two adults to decide they want to commit unspeakable acts together and call it "love", it's another thing entirely when society sanctions and agrees with these sins and indeed legalizes the sin of homosexuality and even applauds it.
Many homosexuals would never admit this but they are in bondage to that sin and would be free of it they .could. My point here is, if you disagree with this sin - never, ever hate them or mistreat them - do your best to love them. God sees their sin and He will deal with them as He sees fit, it's not our place....but I will say this - our once great nation is no longer great, no longer a "shining city on a hill" providing God's light to the whole world and the judgments coming on the USA will make Sodom and Gomorrah look like a picnic in the park.
If you are a God-fearing human and you have read this far - pray for wisdom as to how and when to discuss this with people, it will take the anointing of the Holy Spirit to break through their blindness. Pray for revelation, pray for the Holy Spirit to guard your children's hearts from the sin of homosexuality (indeed, all sexual sin) and pray for God to reveal to you his "cities of refuge" - places where you can live under the rule and reign of the Holy Spirit (not the spirit of Religion disguised as the Holy Spirit), communities set apart and dedicated to Him, not the god of this fallen world full of darkness and not the glorious knowledge of Jesus Christ.
I truly desire good for every homosexual in America, and by "good" I mean, they need to know the truth that they have been lied to; you need to know that homosexuality is a sin and as with all sin, it must be repented of, forsaken, let go of and turned away from, in exchange for the holiness and righteousness only found in the blood of Jesus shed at Calvary. May God open the eyes of your heart before it's too late...

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