Thursday, July 9, 2015

       All religions on earth come from the flesh because all religions (including Christianity) presume to tell us THROUGH KNOWLEDGE what is right or wrong when it comes to our relationship with God. This comes from pride. The impartation and reception of knowledge sanctioned by God can only be done spirit to spirit. Our minds should grasp what our spirits perceive - not the other way around.
       All religion comes from the Tree of knowledge (of good and evil), therefore all religion focuses on knowledge to the point where they exalt men who purport to have knowledge, i.e. those who went to Bible College or Seminary or who sat at a man's (flesh) feet and learned knowledge imparted by men....God stresses in scripture that He delights in using the unlearned, those the world (and most churches) consider to be fools...most churches indeed do the opposite of God's heart, they honor and exalt the learned while despising those God counts to be wise...
       Spiritual knowledge is what we should seek and this comes only from the Holy Spirit - either directly to our spirit or through a man or woman God has chosen whose flesh is yielded to Him. All Christian denominations are built on, and separated by, their knowledge, interpretation and understanding of Scripture, therefore they are all built on a faulty foundation. They cannot nor will ever be, blessed and accepted by God, who builds His church on revelation, i.e. knowledge revealed by the Father by His Spirit. It does not come from man. When man teaches from man's wisdom, all manner of error and false doctrine's result.
      Please do not fall into this trap - your intellect must become Holy, you must access the mind of Christ. Do not worship or engage in the pursuit of knowledge for it's own sake, rather pursue Christ and He will fill you with his Spirit who will personally teach and instruct you....witnessing to you whenever a man (or woman) teaches you, purporting to represent God...He will show you if the teaching is from him or let the Holy Spirit instruct you and Him alone.
       Sitting and listening to a man speak week after week was never God's intent for His people. Gathering and meeting with Him through His Holy Spirit has always been His intention and when the Holy Spirit is present, He will speak through anyone available, anyone He chooses, not man....indeed many tongues on fire for Him bring Him far more glory than just one...many tongues will sing, praise, pray, prophecy and exhort and yes, teach, during a meeting where He is in control. No one man's tongue will be exalted over another's but rather the only tongue to be honored and exalted and heard will be the tongue of Jesus Himself...
                                                       Selah. Amen....

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