Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lord, I yield my heart to you
Place it on the altar to
give you my heart in sacrafice
May all my heart now be made right

When temptations come, as I know they must
May I then set my heart to trust
That your deliverance is sure
For my heart's disease you are the cure

There is no other to which I flee
But to my source of purity
For you my Jesus alone are Holy
And you alone can rescue me

I yield my soul to you most High
Hear my plea, oh hear my cry
May all my sin within me die
That I may join you in the sky

I am wicked, I am wretched
I am poor and blind and naked
Without you my heart a desert waste is
You oh God are my oasis

Find my heart a furrowed field
To you my Lord doth my heart yield

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...