Friday, October 16, 2015

Imagine yourself hanging from a cliff - your arms and shoulders just over the edge, the rest of your body dangling down. You try with all your might to pull yourself up but you just can't, the strength isn't there. Slowly, you feel yourself slipping inexorably down - you panic, your hands sweat, and you slip a bit further - your feet scramble for a foothold, desperately, but there is none.

Now imagine you are dangling over Hell. You hear the tormented cries of the damned. You smell the stench. You feel the heat. Your strength continues to wane. You just can't hold on, your muscles ache. You begin to shake with the strain. Then the inevitable moment comes and you slip over the edge but as you do, a strong hand reaches out, firmly grasping you and yanking you to solid ground. You notice the hand has a scar on it. You notice the strength of the arm that's delivered you. You lie on you back, sobbing, and look  up into his face; the face of your saviour. He is so beautiful it takes your breath away - so beautiful you forget the Hell you were so close to moments ago. Now you cry tears of joy. His face is full of love and compassion and mercy. As glad as you are to be rescued - he is just as glad to have rescued you.

The cliff is your brief mortal life. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, you will age, you will grow weaker and weaker till you can't hold out and you will breathe your final breath. At that moment you will slip into Hell or strong arms will lift you into Heaven. The choice is yours. He wants to save you, he's done all he can to save you, yet you must accept his help, you must open your heart to him, you must not rely on your own strength or wisdom or any other philosophy or source for strength and deliverance. Only Jesus can save you. He is the only one appointed by the Father to do so. He is the only one who has the authority and strength to do it. Only his blood can wash away the filth of your sin. Only he can rescue you from Hell, from an eternity without him. Choose wisely...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...