Every generation is arrogant enough to believe they are wiser than the last. Today's generation has more knowledge than any generation before it but knowledge does not equal wisdom. Today there is less wisdom than in any generation that has gone before.
Wisdom is indeed a precious commodity these days. More precious than gold, silver or diamonds. The Bible (the greatest source of wisdom in the world) says this was true long ago and it is just as true today. This generation does what is right in it's own eyes. It does not seek to look through God's eyes, to get His perspective. They believe that they are gods, apart from God, which means they are born of Satan, not Jesus.
Satan has long desired to be God, to replace God in the hearts of men in this world and what is a God without souls? What is a king without subjects? And so it has come to pass. Satan's wish has been granted. He is the god of this world. His capitol is Babylon. God's is Jerusalem. He seeks to rule from the hearts of men as does God. He pollutes men's souls with lies and deceptions whereas God purifies and rescues souls with truth.
Satan tempts, God teaches us to repent. Satan uses money, God uses love - genuine, sincere, heartfelt love. Satan promotes self, God says esteem others more highly than yourself. Satan rules, God serves. In Satan's kingdom, flesh is exalted because it is full of death and he is the god who brought death into this world. In God's kingdom, spirit rules over flesh for the spirit of man is full of eternal life (the soul is the bridge between flesh and spirit). Jesus is the God who conquered the death Satan brought into the world by dying on the Cross thereby cancelling the power death held over us and introducing Eternal Life into the world once again.
So, will you choose to see through God's eyes or Satans? Will you pursue God's heart, the things that delight Him or will you choose to pursue the pleasures of the flesh, temporary pleasures, the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, the pride of life? Choose wisely.....if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him.....