Friday, November 20, 2015

Oh your soul becomes the devil’s loot
when you spend your life on Trivial pursuits –

What is it you’re spending your life on?
What is it that makes you tick?
When all is said and done and gone
What will you have to show for it?

Oh with the devil you’re in cahoots
When you spend your life on Trivial pursuits.

When you stand before the Judgment seat of Christ
That’s not the time for you to make things right
I don’t want the last thing you ever hear
To be Jesus saying “man, get out of here!”

Some spend their lives on Baseball cards
Or Barbie dolls or fancy cars
Some can tell you all you need to know
About every home run McGuire hit and how far did they go
Now some will play their golf today
In lightning, snow or pouring rain
And other’s can’t seem to turn away
From what their TV or the internet has to say ok
So how many touchdowns did Marino throw?
And who won the Series in ’49 – I gotta know!
And any one of a thousand things
Can keep our minds turned away from Him

If we can stay distracted just long enough
Fillin’ up our lives with a bunch of stuff
Now I’m not tryin’ to get you blue
But if you don’t know Jesus what will you do?
When it’s over and your life is through?
The answer might be a little tough
But maybe this poem will give you a clue –
Don’t spend your life on Trivial Pursuits!

It’s just the fruit of the flesh
It’ll turn your life into a mess
Please don’t try to second guess
These words – just confess
And give up your pursuit of trivial things
Set your heart to pursue the only worthy fling
Let your passion for God take you far beyond this world
With it’s alluring distractions and cheap imitations
And accept your God’s Divine Invitation,
Don’t give in to that urge for hesitation
But join in the Eternal Celebration
Of Jesus – the Joy of your Salvation!

So don’t believe this poem is moot –
Give up your life of Trivial Pursuits!


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