Wednesday, March 30, 2016

In loving me, you've made me lovable.
In accepting me, I've become acceptable.
I am clean because you wash me.
I am so helpless, just like a baby.
If you don't care, if you don't love me
I will perish for all eternity.
But I'm a little boy who has a daddy.
I've clung to sin with a fierce grip
haven't been able to let go of it.
But your hold on me has been just as fierce.
Your love is so great you became pierced.
You just won't let me go.
Your love is alien to this world
but each heart you grip
flies your banner unfurled -
"I don't just dwell in Heaven above
but I dwell in each humble heart that accepts my love...."

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Don't ever lose the wonder
of knowing the One who
walks amidst the lightning
and the thunder....

of the little boy's heart
thrilled at each new discovery,
thrilled to know and thrilled to see
nature revealing God's stories....

Don't lose the wonder, man.
Don't have to always understand.
Don't have to be so dignified,
let loose and enjoy the ride
the Lord's takin' you on.
Let go, let go of control,
fly. Higher than you've been before.
Oh yes! Soar, believer, soar!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

I  still  believe  in  love,  I  really  do,
Though  I  don't find  it  where  I  should,
Love  still  surprises me in  the  most  unlikely of  places.
I  find  it  in  Korea in  stranger's faces.
I  find  it on the streets in people I meet.
I don't find it in Church or in most Christians I greet
but I find it in the poor but in the rich I don't see it.
I've been touched by it with a car broke down
and in a pub it's love I've found,
So don't stop believing in love - He still walks this earth.
Because of His love this life has value, meaning and worth.
Love hasn't abandoned or forsaken us,
It's just that those who say they have it most often don't,
while those who don't say much about it but live it
and through their actions its shown
prove to me all the time
Love exists and will forever shine...

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Yes it's true
There's a place where
we can forever be with You.
Where like children on a brand new playground
our hearts will forever sound
with the delights to our souls will never end.
Where we'll always know God
and each other as friends.

Oh it's true
There is a place where
the songs our hearts sing are new
Where sadness and tears are past
and friendship and joy and laughter will forever last

We'll behave as little children
safe in our daddy's arms
knowing with momma near
we're safe from all harm.
We'll fall knowing daddy will catch us,
the enemy can never snatch us
cause he'll forever be (far) under our feet
and where our fellowship will forever be

love is all we will know
joy will be the feast of our souls
We will laugh and play together
and we will wonder and marvel forever
at the grace and love our daddy.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...