Saturday, March 12, 2016

I  still  believe  in  love,  I  really  do,
Though  I  don't find  it  where  I  should,
Love  still  surprises me in  the  most  unlikely of  places.
I  find  it  in  Korea in  stranger's faces.
I  find  it on the streets in people I meet.
I don't find it in Church or in most Christians I greet
but I find it in the poor but in the rich I don't see it.
I've been touched by it with a car broke down
and in a pub it's love I've found,
So don't stop believing in love - He still walks this earth.
Because of His love this life has value, meaning and worth.
Love hasn't abandoned or forsaken us,
It's just that those who say they have it most often don't,
while those who don't say much about it but live it
and through their actions its shown
prove to me all the time
Love exists and will forever shine...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...