Thursday, June 23, 2016

Brethren, do not take offence
Do not seek to recompense
evil for evil, sin for sin
For when, for when
We harden our hearts
By the hate they impart
We become no better
and it sure ain’t smart
For love to mature
To become like the Father’s
We must love those who don’t love us
Though loving doesn’t mean you submit to abuse and hate
But you always desire their good and to relate


Never fellowship where the Holy Spirit isn’t welcome.

Friday, June 17, 2016

The clock keeps ticking
There's really no way to stop it
I could remove the batteries
or smash it or chop it
But really Time will
inexorably continue till
God decrees
Time will cease
And be swallowed by Eternity
And then where will I be?
Time is God's gift
that we may sift
all that is unholy from our hearts
That we may align our souls
with Him
That sin
may no longer have dominion over us
Oh God - in You we fully trust
Though we are weak and frail
Your love and mercy will never fail
Touch us now, make us whole
Use us, in spite of our sinful toll
Though we are so weak
when it comes to obedience
Yet our hearts still seek
Your Holy recompense
How can we receive all that's Holy?
Only by bowing our hearts to Thee.....

Time is Spiritual
We do not pass through Time,
Time passes through us.

Monday, June 13, 2016

My help comes from the Lord!
In Him my spirit soars!
He is who I'm living for!
Amen! Yea, yea, Amen!

He's the One who sets me free!
By His Blood I've been redeemed!
He fulfills all of my dreams!
Amen! Yea, yea, Amen!

I can't help but praise Him now!
I can't help but sing out loud!
I can't help but be so proud
of my God and King,
Lord of everything - my Jesus!

So don't slow down - don't stop now.
Don't look back when your hands to the plow.
Stay on the path - He'll show you how!
Keep the faith - don't quit the race, 
Never stop seeking His face 
and He'll never stop showering you with grace!
Amen! Yea, yea, Amen!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Word

Let us lift up our hearts with our hands
unto God in the Heavens.
For the gold has become dim,
the most fine gold has changed
so that it cannot reflect Him.

The precious sons of Zion
are now lowly esteemed.
In our watching we have watched
for a nation that could not save us. 
The USA is ruled by men,
not by the one who made us,
for our fathers have sinned and are not
and we have borne their iniquities.
Servants have ruled over us.
No one brings deliverance.
The joy of our heart is ceased,
our dance is turned into mourning -
The crown has fallen from our head
because our sins have increased.
Yet we are blind to our sinful condition,
we have shed all inhibitions,
we speak openly
of things that should not be
and the prophet and the priest deal falsely.
The fruit of their thoughts is rotten indeed.

The harvest is past, the summer is ended
and we are not saved, we are not mended.
Their habitation is in the midst of deceit.
Through deceit they refuse to know ME.
They have walked after the imagination of their own heart
rather than walk in integrity.
Consider ye and call for the mourning women -
let them make haste
and take up a wailing for thee
that, at the last,
you shall truly seek after ME,
not the religious trappings
that use my Word and my Name
and when you seek ME
you shall find ME
when you search for ME with all your heart.
For I am with thee to save thee.
Though I make a full end of all nations
I will not make a full end of thee
but I will correct in measure
and not leave thee unpunished
because punishment and correction
will lead your heart to My perfection.
I will restore health unto thee
because they called you an outcast
saying "this is Zion whom no man seeks after"

Well beloved, I seek those who seek ME.
Who is this who engaged his heart to approach unto ME?
I have loved you with an everlasting love,
with loving kindness have I drawn thee,
So say now "let us arise and go up to Zion unto the Lord our God"
and say "O Lord, save Thy people"
and you soul shall be as a well-watered garden
and you shall sorrow no more at all. . 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

You must clear out the old ashes to build new fires
You must abandon man's traditions to fulfill the Lord's desires
You must live your life on the proper foundation
The Gospel is love in action without hesitation
I'm going to be real with you - right on the level -
Much of what you've been taught are doctrines of devils
They're experts at teaching in churches, see, 
they'll take advantage of every opportunity
Only the Holy Spirit can truly teach God's Word
So carefully examine all you've heard
Lift up your knowledge with open hand
Let the Holy Spirit blow on it as only He can
That which remains is of Him
The rest is chaff - let it not stay within

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...