Friday, June 17, 2016

The clock keeps ticking
There's really no way to stop it
I could remove the batteries
or smash it or chop it
But really Time will
inexorably continue till
God decrees
Time will cease
And be swallowed by Eternity
And then where will I be?
Time is God's gift
that we may sift
all that is unholy from our hearts
That we may align our souls
with Him
That sin
may no longer have dominion over us
Oh God - in You we fully trust
Though we are weak and frail
Your love and mercy will never fail
Touch us now, make us whole
Use us, in spite of our sinful toll
Though we are so weak
when it comes to obedience
Yet our hearts still seek
Your Holy recompense
How can we receive all that's Holy?
Only by bowing our hearts to Thee.....

Time is Spiritual
We do not pass through Time,
Time passes through us.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...