Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Before you decide to criticize
someone else....
Look to your own heart to see
if the problem is there as well.
Far too often we're quick to notice
the faults and flaws of others...
but our own sins we bury deeply,
keeping them well covered.
If someone points them out to us
we get angry and make a fuss....
yet we're quick to discuss
the sins of others behind their back,
too often showing very little tact.
Let's from now on
be quick to confess our own faults
to one another,
not the faults of our sisters and brothers.
Let's cover, not expose,
the sins of others,
and may they in turn keep our sins covered
with the love that covers us all,
every sin, every fault, every flaw.
The greatest love upon which we call -
the love of God, in Christ Jesus, upon which we fall.....

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Prodigal Son's prayer

Lord, I'm so sorry that from You I've strayed. 
For so long now I've taken path's I shouldn't take.  
From You and others I've become estranged.
It's clear to me now, yes quite plain -
for quite some time I've been insane. 
Oh Lord once again.....
Draw me near to You, so close I want to be,
far from this world so full of inanities.
Cleanse my heart, my mind, my very soul.
I surrender myself - please take full control. 
My life is not my own, I'm bought with a great price. 
You value me, oh so dearly, Jesus my living Christ. 
I don't want these to be just words upon a page
but a prayer from the lips of my heart 
unto the Ancient of Days.....
Forgive my insanity.
Teach me not to stray. 
Accept this heart that loves to sin.
Take it, make it Your Holy possession 
Your prodigal son deserves nothing from You but wrath.
I don't even deserve this question
yet Father may I ask -
Will you have me back?

I'd rather live in a pig sty on Your property
than in a mansion full of the world's glory. 

Lord, my heart is so prone to wander. 
Far too often worldly thoughts I ponder.
I give myself to anyone but You. 
I so easily give my attention 
to the words and thoughts of men.
Yet to Your words and thoughts
I fail to attend. 
I want to dwell on, meditate on, Your word once again.
I want the sweet communion
I knew when I was young. 
This is how I'll now consider my remaining days to be blessed -
All I want, above all else, is what I now confess -
May I be as close to Thee
as John who laid his head upon Your breast. 

I only want money to provide for my family and Yours. 
As for me, there's but one thing I want to adore,
that is - to be near to You, my Jesus, forevermore.....

Thursday, August 18, 2016

We are entering a "Season of Suddenly's". There are many "suddenly's" found throughout the Bible. When they happen, they usually take everyone by surprise. Yet God will do nothing unless He first reveals it to His Prophets. Because they are waiting upon Him, to hear His words, to speak on His behalf. And I am saying now - prepare yourselves My people. Hide yourselves in the cleft of the Rock. It is not a day for proclaiming. It is not a time for outward expression, but rather it is a time for inward cleansing. Each of you must meet with Me in the private prayer chamber of your heart. Turn inward, not outward. Do not despair at the judgments you see all around you - it will not come nigh you after the third plague. Stand steadfast in Me and I will hide you till the suddenly's are past. Do not listen to man's voice - those with tongues of devils, but listen rather to My voice, My prophets, My words - they are spirit and they are eternal life and they will not fail you. I do not see your transgressions when you are hidden in the cleft of the Rock of Salvation. Behold, I love you with an everlasting love. I will never leave you or forsake you. Do not forsake Me in the time of troubles. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

First we run, then we cry,
come undone before we fly.
Your sister thought she was free.
Your best friend lives in a tree.
You skipped the dance,
didn't you know it was your last chance?
So what about me?
I'm FDA approved, can't you see?
Well now, you're thinking what's next?
If I knew I'd put it in context.
You can shoot the dog but not the owner.
You can leave her but don't disown her.
And what you want to do
can sometimes taunt you
and haunt you
till your last breath.
You hang with monkeys
don't be disturbed
to find you're just another sheep in the herd
cowed into submitting to the absurd
life you always mocked
when young oh how you talked
now you're just another stat
cat. Got your tongue?
The moon is full.
You long for, belong for,
the freedom you knew could be had
when your youthful spirit didn't know how to be sad.
Your heart was free
to beat mightily.
You glimpsed a Divine destiny
then cast your gaze
to where the slaves
choose to graze
never looking past their next meal.
Youthful zeal, quenched by knowledge.
Wild heart chained by a mind filled with do's or don't's
discouraged dreams and unfulfilled hopes.
Man in the moon
one thing he knew
don't get too close
to that earth full of fools......

Monday, August 8, 2016

Don't say words you're gonna regret.
Don't count chicks that haven't hatched yet.
Give lots of hugs and whenever you can - steal a kiss
and don't put much stock in silly poems like this.
Get out doors as often as you can.
Don't forget to bless the poor among your fellow man.
Listen more than you speak.
Use your strength to help the weak
and don't take yourself too seriously.
Hop a train to somewhere you've never been
and at least once listen to Paul Simon's "Graceland".
Random acts of kindness are always good.
Do something to make yours a better neighborhood.
Surprise your loved ones with pancakes or French toast.
Don't spend much time making boasts.
Share your heart with God above
and He will fill it with such a sweet love.
When others fail - don't kick them when they're down.
Don't gossip about other's failures all over town.
No, give them a hand back up instead.
Don't let praise or criticism go to your head.
Well, a few simple words to live by
from a simple kind of guy....

(also a must - listen to Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk")

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...