Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Before you decide to criticize
someone else....
Look to your own heart to see
if the problem is there as well.
Far too often we're quick to notice
the faults and flaws of others...
but our own sins we bury deeply,
keeping them well covered.
If someone points them out to us
we get angry and make a fuss....
yet we're quick to discuss
the sins of others behind their back,
too often showing very little tact.
Let's from now on
be quick to confess our own faults
to one another,
not the faults of our sisters and brothers.
Let's cover, not expose,
the sins of others,
and may they in turn keep our sins covered
with the love that covers us all,
every sin, every fault, every flaw.
The greatest love upon which we call -
the love of God, in Christ Jesus, upon which we fall.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...