Thursday, October 27, 2016

March winds blow idly across the manicured landscape of a forgotten city.
A businessman pauses near a homeless beggar trying to decide whether to extend disdain or pity.
In the distance a dog barks plaintively.
Hearts disconnected will soon die of lack of intimacy.
Once we love only ourselves,
we're on a path to Hell. 
Once we can't obey God's prompting to
love someone we're not wanting to -
We're wasting our days with our selfish ways.
Love chooses indiscriminately
and love responds to needs,
and love's eyes are open wide.
Love sees;
Who we contact each and every day
provides love with many opportunities.
When you leave someone's presence,
think -     did I love them?
Is God pleased?

The beggar looks the businessman in the eye
saying without speaking -         why?
The businessman's thoughts have already moved on 
to where should I eat dinner tonight and who should I invite along?

At church that Sunday he raises
his voice in praise
for the wealth he's been given
by God's amazing grace...

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."   Mt: 11:15

"We have piped unto you and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you and ye have not lamented."      Mt:11:17

Sunday, October 23, 2016

When joy has ebbed out of my soul
When I am bound by thoughts of woe
When there's no one to turn to and no where to go
Faith holds me close.

Just when life's become too bleak
When I cannot find the comfort I seek
When despair has reached it's peak
Hope kisses me.

When I lay bleeding on the roadside of life
Attacked and beaten with stones and knives
When I thought I was going to die
Love took my side
                         cleansed my wounds
                         bought me a room
                         restored me to

Wholeness and health
freedom from self
able to live 
in a world gone to hell....

A good samaritan
says "care I can".

Monday, October 17, 2016

I am weak so hear my chorus:
The Lord will fight our battles for us.
We're depleted, weak, easily defeated,
our enemy has invaded our land.
So many hiding, refusing to stand,
so often cowering, hidden in caves,
we need the Lord who saves.
We are weak, Lord hear our chorus -
You are the One who fights for us.
We'll not rest, not cease to cry
till You draw swiftly to our side.

If You do not fight on our behalf,
our nation will not last.
For wickedness and sin's grip is strong,
the hearts of men in darkness long.
We must repent or we will fail,
our foundation has become so frail.
We've taken our liberty
and behaved wickedly.
Oh my people can't you see?
This is the hour, this is the time
to cry out to the One who causes the sun to shine
with this chorus -
Oh God, fight our battle for us.
Cleanse us, cleanse our land
of all the wicked deeds of man.
Enable us to be Holy once again.
Build us on the Rock and not the sand.
We are destitute, wholly dependent on You
our faith is porous, becoming unglued
so hear our cry, hear our chorus -
Oh God, fight our battle for us.....

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I have not lived
as if my heart is His.
I have honored Him with my lips
but have not obeyed His wish.
My fruit is indeed
rotten beyond belief.
I speak His name
but my actions bring Him shame.
I only know Him with my mind not my heart, I see
Oh Lord create in me a clean heart
and renew a right spirit within me
or hell will be
my eternity.
I despise who I've become.
Have mercy, Israel's Holy One.
May Thy kingdom come, may Thy will be done
in my heart as it is in Heaven.
Cleanse me now of the Pharisee's leaven.
I need to be born again, again.

Many will say in that day "Lord, Lord" it's true,
yet many will hear Him say -
"Depart from Me for I never knew you"...

Thursday, October 6, 2016

You are not now where you wished you were
You’re hurting – your pain seems too much to bear
But as you’re suffering – to this Truth cling
Always remember, God changes things!
Though you’ve been hurt and abused by man
Though some they hurt you whenever they can
Though all forsake you of this you will sing-
As you witness your God changing things
He won’t leave you in the condition you’re in
He won’t leave you abused by their sin
Dear one know that the pendulum will swing
The day will come, precious one
When God changes things, rearranges things!

Believe and you will retrieve what God in you conceives
Open your heart to He who made your heart
to belong to Him from the very start
And you’ll see precious one you’ll be
Victor and conqueror over all your enemies
Welcome to Paradise you good and faithful Servant
I receive all that You bring, 
Beloved, see, 
I’ve changed everything!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

In the natural, in the United States of America today, we have the potential, the resources, the Divine blessings to be the most well-nourished, well-fed, best excercised, healthiest people on the planet. And yet what do we see? A sickly, over-weight population that chooses to consume a primary diet of junk food. Chips and soda pops are the norm. Fast food rules. Cooking is becoming a lost art. And oh what a price! Heart disease, Diabetes,Cancer, Strokes, etc. As in the natural, so in the Spirit realm. Christians in the U.S.A. have the potential, the freedom to be the healthiest, best fed, most powerful Christian army on earth! Yet we content ourselves with spiritual junk-food, teachings that are so watered-down they do not accomplish the goal of spiritual good health. Teachings that include so little exercising of our faith that we are among the weakest, most mal-nourished Christians on earth. Would to God that we would have understanding! Especially of Covenant. That we would take this Covenant we have entered into (cut) with our Lord more seriously and perhaps avoid the judgments to come. But for now we see the pool of Bethesda.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...