Monday, October 17, 2016

I am weak so hear my chorus:
The Lord will fight our battles for us.
We're depleted, weak, easily defeated,
our enemy has invaded our land.
So many hiding, refusing to stand,
so often cowering, hidden in caves,
we need the Lord who saves.
We are weak, Lord hear our chorus -
You are the One who fights for us.
We'll not rest, not cease to cry
till You draw swiftly to our side.

If You do not fight on our behalf,
our nation will not last.
For wickedness and sin's grip is strong,
the hearts of men in darkness long.
We must repent or we will fail,
our foundation has become so frail.
We've taken our liberty
and behaved wickedly.
Oh my people can't you see?
This is the hour, this is the time
to cry out to the One who causes the sun to shine
with this chorus -
Oh God, fight our battle for us.
Cleanse us, cleanse our land
of all the wicked deeds of man.
Enable us to be Holy once again.
Build us on the Rock and not the sand.
We are destitute, wholly dependent on You
our faith is porous, becoming unglued
so hear our cry, hear our chorus -
Oh God, fight our battle for us.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...