Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Satan's Stupidity

Satan's main goal is to get people to join him in rebellion against God. This rebellion is commonly referred to as "sin". I like to call sin " Satan's stupidity". What Satan delights in doing is convincing mankind that evil is good and good is evil. He has a form of morality.Yes, Satan wants to teach people how to be good! He knows that all of mankind is eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil (except those who are eating from the Tree of Life) meaning all mankind is deciding on their own, apart from God, what is good and what is evil, meaning they have followed in Satan's footsteps by choosing to become gods without Christ as their head, submitted to Satan rather than Christ.

This deception Satan has foisted upon humanity, the falsehood that we can decide what is good and what is evil, is at it's worse when Satan is able to convince "Christians" that his version of morality, his righteousness, his set of moral standards, is godly while the standards found in Holy Scripture are false. Many, many churches today are indeed teaching "doctrines of devils" as the doctrines of God. Truth is ignored and worse, despised while falsehoods are presented as Truth. Only the Holy Spirit knows "all Truth" and only He can be relied on to teach us the Truth every time He speaks to us and every time He illuminates the written Word of God. Merely reading and knowing scripture is not enough for Satan himself knows the Word of God better than most of us and he will use God's own word to deceive us and lead us astray by twisting and perverting it's meaning. He even tried to get Jesus to sin by using the written Word, are we any less capable of being tempted by Satan to sin through the Word of God than Jesus?

An obvious (to those with ears to hear) example of Satan's version of morality is homosexuality. Though God's Word clearly condemns the practice of homosexuality, Satan convinces mankind that not only is this practice acceptable but also that it is good and that God himself approves of it. Never believe something is accepted by God if his Word condemns it and never condemn something that His Word accepts (this happens in many churches too).

So, the moral of this sermon is this - if you believe abortion is an acceptable practice for women to choose, if you believe it is acceptable for people to engage in homosexual activities, if you think it's ok to change your gender, if you believe all manner of evil actions and thoughts are good then your sense of right and wrong does not come from the God of the Holy Bible, it comes rather from Satan. Why join with Satan in his stupidity? Why choose to sin when you have another choice? Why not choose to follow and obey Jesus? Why not let His Holy Spirit inside you so he can teach you truth, what is good and what is evil in his sight? Don't end up dying and going to Hell because you chose to follow Satan and listened to his stupidity and joined with him in his rebellion against God, who, by the way, wants nothing but good for you, who loves you deeply and dearly and actually chose to die rather than live without you. Satan's stupidity is such a farce. Open your heart to Jesus now and ask him to teach you truth and show you the lies you've believed that you may have the eyes of your understanding opened that you may now walk in the light.

Most will not accept this message. Most will cling to the lie, will eat the wrong fruit, will continue to follow Satan because of foolish pride. Don't count yourself among them. Amen. 

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