Friday, March 31, 2017

Finally my brethren, I leave one thing to do
Think upon whatsoever is worthy of Praise and True
Think upon whatsoever is honest, just, lovely or pure
Because as you dwell on good reports,
Of this you can be sure –
As you think on whatsoever has any virtue,
Know this my brethren,
This is exactly how God thinks of you!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Dear Abba, 

The day You took my rib away, You left my heart open and exposed and vulnerable to that woman You brought to me. Oh God, who is she? (I’m thinking of naming her Eve). I can’t stop thinking of her! She fills my thoughts and my senses, can’t even finish naming the animals, mending the fences!
Can’t concentrate, got to get to my mate. Oh God, what have You done? Can’t remember what it was like without her around, I need her touch, I need her sound. Ah, do You mind if we skip our walk tonight? I’ve got a date (we’re seeing the sights), gonna show her those pretty northern lights! And a new animal I’ve found, he actually moves by hopping around! Oh hey, gotta go, gotta flee, I’m meeting Eve for lunch, you see. 
Love, your son,


Sunday, March 19, 2017

The time is coming and is even now
When this Truth will manifest across the land
Don't stop to question or reason how
For God dwells in a Temple made without hands

Religion keeps God in a prison of man's devising
Stopping up the flow of His Spirit - like a Dam
Giving in to Satan's whims - consistently compromising
Denying that God now dwells in a Temple made without hands

God now dwells in a house of His choosing
It's really not too hard to understand
The Holy Spirit is even now loosing
The people who make up His house, made without hands

When man's in charge - it brings a curse
So it-s time now for us all to make a stand
Cause Religion will only get worse and worse
And hate and kill those built by God's hand

So stand - don't fall - be an example to all
Be a part of this Truth so grand
You are God's and God's alone, big or small
And you have nothing to do with the kingdom of man
For you are God's Temple - made without hands!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

There is a place
where the unloved, the least,
the hurting, the hungry, can sit down and feast.
There is a love unending that satisfies.
There is one who hears every lonely cry,
who sees every tear shed in the night,
who's love will last forever,
who will make every wrong right.
What you're looking for     He is made of
For God,           for God,             He is Love
He's gentle, he's kind, he'll leave no one behind.
He's patient, (our sins) he forgives
that we may always live
He doesn't list the wrongs
of those who sing his song
His mighty song of Love
who embrace Him with their hearts
So those who live with rejection and poverty and pain
will have paradise to their gain
So all that you crave can be yours today
simply open your heart to the One who saves...

Monday, March 6, 2017

The greatest struggle you'll ever face
is whether to become a real Christian or fake
For every church has two spirits
one Holy, one religious,
one that requires your life,
one that says just listen and not do,
one that says you must live the Gospel
one that says just hear it and speak about it,
one that says love is action
one that says love is just giving money
one that says only "enter into the doors of your church building"
one that says "enter into the kingdom of God on earth"
one that says your pastor and elders are the ministers
one that says you and the least member of your church are ministers
one that says give your whole life to Him who gave his whole life to you
one  that says give a few hours on Sunday and Wednesday, it is enough
one that says get as much as you can
one that says give as much as you can
Which Spirit do you follow? Which one do you pursue?
Oh my brethren, we will know you by your fruit.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...