Monday, March 6, 2017

The greatest struggle you'll ever face
is whether to become a real Christian or fake
For every church has two spirits
one Holy, one religious,
one that requires your life,
one that says just listen and not do,
one that says you must live the Gospel
one that says just hear it and speak about it,
one that says love is action
one that says love is just giving money
one that says only "enter into the doors of your church building"
one that says "enter into the kingdom of God on earth"
one that says your pastor and elders are the ministers
one that says you and the least member of your church are ministers
one that says give your whole life to Him who gave his whole life to you
one  that says give a few hours on Sunday and Wednesday, it is enough
one that says get as much as you can
one that says give as much as you can
Which Spirit do you follow? Which one do you pursue?
Oh my brethren, we will know you by your fruit.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...