Thursday, August 31, 2017

A friend just sent me a text.
"Hi Chris, so the Texas situation. Why do you think it's happening in a presumably God fearing state that is Conservative?" As you may or may not know, a severe storm, one of the worst to ever hit Houston, just happened a few days ago.
Immediately, within minutes, this was the response God gave me -

"It is God's judgment on Religious, dead Christianity in America. "Houston" literally means "Hugh's town". Hugh means "mind, intellect". Religious Christianity, i.e. the Denominationalism, America's favorite form of Christianity, leads people into an intellectual relationship with God, not a heart relationship, which God despises. They constantly fill their minds, week after week, with knowledge about God but rarely meeting with God for they are still eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not from the Tree of Life. This storm was a prophetic sign to America to flee Babylon and turn their hearts to him, not just their minds. Prayers prayed from the mind alone, without the heart praying also, will have no effect...

I might add, prayers prayed from a mind that acknowledges God, but with a heart that does not fellowship with him, will avail nothing. Also, the name of the storm that struck Houston was "Harvey", meaning "Eager for battle"...Yes God is going to war against religious Christianity, all who abuse and misuse his name, who oppose him yet purport to be his people - intellectual Christianity will fall, like the wall of Jericho, from around human hearts, setting them free to engage God heart to heart, not just mind to mind. The heart always comes first. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart....then mind and soul and strength.....selah.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...