Monday, August 7, 2017

and now,  knowing the time,
keep, my brethren, this in mind -
It is high time to awake out of sleep
for deep will not always call out to deep
For now is our Salvation
nearer than when we first believed
Now is when that which is in you fully conceived
The night is far spent
The Day is at hand
when we must give account
for what we do and do not understand
Cast off the works of darkness
Put on the armour of light
Remain humble, meek, contrite,
that you may see
along with me
The most glorious sight -
The Lord returning in the clouds
dressed in white
ready to banish the darkness
to that eternal night
where weeping and gnashing of teeth
are destined never to cease
while every tear in our eyes
by the Lord himself will be wiped dry
Where the rest and refreshing of our souls
will never cease to flow
For the God we love and know
will deliver us unto His bosom
where I desire to rest my head
content to be near the One who bled
and died for me
that I may be
alive and near Him for Eternity
forever free
of sin and death and strife -
My Lord has loved me back to life. ..

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...