Friday, September 29, 2017

Jesus was sorely tempted in the Garden of Gethsemane. How fitting that He faced and overcame in a garden the same temptation the first Adam succumbed to, in a garden - the temptation to exalt his will over the Father's. His reply must also become ours - Not my will but Thine be done! He was tempted with the same temptation we are faced with - the greatest temptation of all - to abandon our calling from God. To quit our God ordained destiny. To exalt our will over God's - which is Satan's original and continuing sin.
Jesus was called to be crucified on our behalf - so are we. He was physically crucified, we must sacrifice our souls - we must willingly lay down our wills - our souls must die to our fleshly, carnal desires in order that we may live. This is the true Born-again process - from selfishness to selflessness, from childish to childlike. From carnality to holiness.
Unless a seed falls (Jn:12;24) willingly lies down and dies (1 Cor:15:31) it cannot be transformed into it's God ordained destiny - it cannot become "much fruit" - it will never fulfill it's original destiny. Only when our old man (sin filled, self willed man) dies can our new man (Holy spirit filled, Father's will fulfilling) live. Rom:12:2 speaks of this transformation - likening it to the transformation a butterfly goes through - it looks nothing like it's former self and it is no longer earth bound (flesh bound) but it can fly! When we are transformed into the image of Christ we too break free of our flesh's lusts and desires and we become (spiritually) like birds, like angels, we can soar and fly far above earthly things Rev:19:17 - Too many churches are full of caterpillars, with very few butterfly's, because if anyone makes it to butterfly status they'll fly away from the religious mess most churches have become. When the jail is shaken and the prisoner is freed - he leaves! So pastors and leaders - in their all-encompassing drive to keep people in their seats, will not allow that kind of spiritual freedom in their midst. Who knows, if one soul gets transformed and set on fire with the liberty only the Holy Spirit brings they might free others. Can't have that. Especially if they are anointed of the Holy Spirit and the pastor isn't. This will expose him as a fraud - so the threat must be removed. Part 2 soon.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...