Monday, October 23, 2017

The religious spirit is actually Satan's disguised as a Christian. Remember 2 Cor: 11:14 - "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light". In other words, he purports to be a representative of God, so that he may lead God's precious people astray. He wants to teach us how to be a Christian. He first of all wants us to avoid the Holy Spirit at all costs. He actually wants to teach us that the Holy Spirit is demonic while he, Satan, is holy. He never wants us baptized in the Holy Spirit - He never wants the Holy Spirit inside us so that we come to know him and develop a relationship with him, he doesn't want us to obey the Holy Spirit and follow him as we walk out our short life on this earth. Never speak in tongues. Never prophecy. Never heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons. This type of Christian has a "form of godliness denying the power thereof - from such turn away" (2 Tim:3:5).
This is all a result of following the religious spirit and not the Holy Spirit. Satan doesn't mind evangelism as long as we are fixated on leading them to our church and not to the kingdom of God. As long as our church maintains a façade - a dead, lifeless form of Christianity, Satan delights in as many people as possible joining this kind of church, where Satan is present (disguised as a Christian) and not God.
Then, of course, when lots of people flock to this type of church - the leaders and people become convinced it is a sign of God's approval, his way of showing them he is pleased. These kinds of churches always pay attention to numbers, though God taught us not to count the people, a lesson king David learned well. Satan cheers, God grieves and everyone in denominationalism merrily continues to "have church"- meanwhile missing God by a million miles.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...