Monday, January 1, 2018

The next great holocaust - the next mass assault by the enemy - will be on innocence and purity. Abortions have been happening for years, for the enemy is desperately trying to keep the Moses's, the Jesus's of  each generation from arising. He's trying to keep deliverance and righteousness from being birthed in each successive generation. Yet, if he cannot keep them from being born - he will try to twist and pervert them at as young an age as possible. We will now see him attacking the very concept of purity itself - the very idea of it will be endlessly mocked and ridiculed. He will call all things pure - unclean and he will declare all things impure to be pure. He will seduce and betray any vestige of innocence, of purity. Virgins, children, anyone bought with the blood of Christ, anyone clean by the Holy Spirit's presence within them, anyone innocent of a heart unyielding to God - the Bride of Christ herself will under go an assault like never before - till the name of Christ is a mockery on the lips of the lost - till, even among "christian" churches - anyone seeking holiness - not through a religious spirit, not through their religion, which breeds a false holiness, but through the presence, guidance and tutelage of the Holy Spirit's leadership, will be scorned to derision. When the Holy Spirit is rejected - all manner of uncleanliness and impurity is accepted, especially in the area of doctrine. A flood of filth is being released into this earth like we've never seen before - and God help those churches that wallow in it and yet stand before God and praise his name. God help our children - to whom are exposed the open sewers we call TV shows and movies. God help us to align our hearts, souls, and spirits with Him, not the spirit of filthiness this world loves to embrace.
Jesus paid the price for our purity, personal and corporate purity - we must not disdain it any longer. We must learn the difference between the Holy and the profane and act accordingly. We must think pure thoughts - that our enemy may not gain entrance into God's holy temple - which he seeks to corrupt with his presence We must carefully guard our hearts - what we allow into our ear gates and our eye gates. God help us please to be wise virgins - spiritual virgins - spiritual Mary's, ready for the day of your visitation. For out of the bitterness of this fallen world will arise a purity as of the Son of Man - arisen as the Day Star in our hearts - and this purity, his innocence, will purify all who will receive it - all who will walk in it - and the darkness will rail against it, the heathen will rage - they will take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed, but he that sits in the heavens, where our hearts dwell, will laugh, he will have them in derision - he will disdain the scornful and the mockers, who exalt their words above His. He will vex them in his wrath and sore displeasure. And the fire of the presence of His Spirit will consume all flesh - those who gave their flesh willingly to Him in sacrifice will be saved - for the fire cannot consume what it has already consumed. Those who denied him and kept their flesh for themselves will perish - and damnation will be their everlasting lot. The fear of the Lord has come upon me.. i can write no more...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...