Sunday, January 21, 2018

Oh how poor my words are! How utterly lacking and unable to express what He is showing me. We must stop camping around our doctrines - exalting them too highly, or just like the Pharisees we will miss his very coming again - when he shows up and walks among us and speaks to us (through whomever he chooses, not man approves of).
We will miss him because we aren't seeking Him but rather we seek whatever power, glory or prestige we can get from being associated with him, from his name, his word, so we can get the praise of men. The Pharisees had the audacity to not only argue the written word with that very word made flesh but they actually rebuked Him and even told Him he was of the devil! (Those who are of the devil always accuse those who aren't of being the ones who are of the devil). The churches today have done the same thing to the Holy Spirit - calling him Satan's spirit manifesting and when the Holy Spirit tries to teach them sound doctrine, they rebuke him and cling to their own understanding of the Word, though God clearly warns us to "lean not unto thine own understanding" for when we do we cannot receive his understanding which the Holy Spirit is given to reveal to us. "Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of Truth shall come, he will guide you into all truth" (Jn:16:13). HE will guide you - not any man. "But the anointing which you have received of him abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you" 1 John:2:27. First - learn to hear HIM - let the Holy Spirit be your primary teacher, companion and friend in this life.

Then: let others teach you since now you know the Holy Spirit's anointing and recognize him in others - you'll know his voice no matter whose tongue he uses and in this way you'll guard your heart and mind from "doctrines of men" and "doctrines of devils" both of which are to be equally avoided. Devils, after all, like the Holy Spirit, use men to do their teaching - though, also like the Holy Spirit, they will teach men directly to their spirits, if they can gain access to them. Again and again the scriptures warn us to "be not deceived" and the only antidote to the deceptions running rampant through this world, on the tongues of countless millions, in churches and out, is "the Way, the Truth and the Life" himself - Jesus our Christ, who abides in us by His Spirit. The written word itself, without the Holy Spirit to teach it to us, will become a snare, an idol, that the flesh will use to exalt itself - Heed now this warning O Church Pharisees of today, heed I say this warning Jesus gave to your kind - "search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me. AND YOU WILL NOT COME TO ME."
They believed, as do countless church leadership of our present day, that because they had the Holy scriptures, they had eternal life but unless the Holy scriptures have us, it avails us nothing, for eternal life comes from knowing the Father and him whom he sent, the Word made flesh, not the written word - a book you may hold in your hand and put down. That bible you read and hold so dear - every word in it came from God to lead you to God. It cannot be "rightly divided" or discerned or understood apart from Him. The "Book of the Lord" is no good without the "Lord of the Book".
An unbeliever (these days entire denominations are led by and full of, unbelievers), can read the Word and unless the Holy Spirit quickens it to him, reveals it to him, it profits him nothing. A "believer" can sit in a church his entire life and without the Holy Spirit's presence within him, will swallow lie after false doctrine, over and over - never knowing or discerning what is truth and what is false. The written word is eternal, wonderful, because it came from the only God who is eternal and eternally wonderful. Amen. Selah.

The written word is alive and anointed, every word, jot and tittle - but that anointing comes from the God who is alive yesterday, today and forever more, present now in relationship with us. Just reading his love letter to us avails us nothing if we never write him a love letter ourselves. In other words, we must go on to become his lovers. In any relationship, communication is key. If se don't converse with him, we have no real intimacy with him. If we speak to him, we should also listen to him - for I know, he greatly desires to speak to us. He is not a mute. Listen, for he will speak to you - heart to heart - which is far more intimate that flesh to flesh or ear to ear. He prefers to speak from within us, not from without us. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...