Friday, March 9, 2018

Author's note: I wrote this last summer.

The new Spider man movie just came out and it got me thinking - what if you or i could have a spider-sense like him? His spider-sense warns him of impending danger. It has saved his life many times, along with his quick reflexes. Well - here is Biblical reality - the Holy Spirit is our very own super hero and he gives his power to us! Like Spidey's spider-sense, when he abides in us he warns us of impending danger! And he will warn us of future dangers (hell, for example). If we get on a wrong path, he tingles inside us - "This path leads to sin, and sins lead to death, and death separates us forever" (if we die in our sins). If we meet someone who is working for our enemy - he warns us that they are false, he reveals the "wolves in sheep's clothing" who so often fool the pastor and their flocks, with their suave words and good looks, for the Holy Spirit, unlike us who look upon the outward appearance, looks on the heart. He can see right through that wolves disguise (or Jezebel's for that matter).
I can usually, but not always, discern a Jezebel within moments of meeting her. And get this - what if you had instant access to all the knowledge in the world? Of course, you wouldn't want much of it because it's too filthy and you want to think upon whatever is pure or lovely or of a good report but what if you could have access to, and understand, every book on earth? When the Holy Spirit, by your invitation, takes up residence in your heart (roomies!) he brings Jesus with him for they are one and he brings the Father "in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge". God really is omniscient (knowing everything). Because he dwells outside the boundaries of time he can literally take Eternity to examine each life that has ever lived - and remember it all! What a mighty God we serve! So, to summarize, through the Holy Spirit, who connects us to Jesus and our Father, we have access to all the knowledge worth knowing. Prophets are just people God uses to channel that knowledge to people who haven't developed the gift of prophecy yet. Any prophet worth his salt will spend as much time teaching and anointing others to prophecy as he does prophesying himself. In God's kingdom we don't hoard our wealth we give it away, whether it's worldly wealth or heavenly. In this, we emulate our God "for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom"!
What earthly king has ever given his kingdom away to his subjects? Ask and ye shall receive. Let's say your enemy is encamped against you. God knows his every move before he makes it and he's happy to share them with you. Ask the Holy Spirit anything - he knows the answer! Doing a multiple choice quiz in History class? Can't decide between A or B? Ask the Holy Spirit - he will nudge you on the inside toward one or the other. He delights in the inquisitiveness of little boys and girls who expect their daddy to know everything. As any good father would, he really delights in our coming to him as little children.
One of the most beautiful snapshots of our God in all the Bible is that of Him sitting there with little children crawling all over him "suffer the little children and forbid them not, to come unto me". I can see him hugging them and kissing them on top of their little heads as he prays over them and i know he loves to hear and answer our childish questions for when I first came to him as a little child, he patiently answered mine. I once asked him how many hairs were on my head at that moment and he told me! I asked him about the saying "where angels fear to tread" - I asked him "so, where do they fear to tread"? Immediately he replied "where I've told them they can't go". A holy fear came over me and I fell down and reverenced him and worshiped. When I was on the Sea of Galilee, as I was worshiping him i asked him "how exactly did you walk on this water?" I got a sense of great joy from the Lord that someone finally asked him that and he immediately opened up within my spirit a vision. Stay tuned for my next blog entry and I will share the vision he gave me. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...