Tuesday, May 29, 2018

As a banner I will unfurl my love and desire for you, my beloved and all the world will see who belongs to me and on that day the witnesses of our wedding will wish they were more than guests - they will behold the feast but not partake of it - they will know him whom they have missed, him whom they have dissed and him whom they have kissed, but as Judah kissed, not as my bride has kissed.
And they shall be rejected from Me as a bride disposes of her menstrual cloth - fit only to be destroyed, for they knew and did not know, they saw but did not see, they had opportunity after opportunity but did not forsake the calling the enemy put before them. His lure was pleasant for a season, and they chose him over me - to their eternal regret. 

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Don't desire to be heard, desire to listen, says the Lord. Listen to Me - then I will bring you before governors and kings and I will cause your voice to be heard for your voice will be My voice and I will use your tongue as My instrument of Salvation as well as condemnation of the enemy's kingdom on earth - an earth corrupted by his presence upon it, yet it was I who cast him here, before I cast him into hell, to weed out and expose those who are of him. He has served his purpose, as a tool soon to be thrown away - yet I will not dispose of those tools who willingly put themselves in My hand, to be used by Me for My glory, not their own. Stay the course, run the race, do not faint at the finish and I will replenish your souls till every leaf shall bring healing to the nations on that day I reveal Myself to those who will not see and hear at this present time, saith the Lord. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

There is so much going on right now - so much happening, so many words being bandied about, opposing points of view. I see blood in the water, sharks in a feeding frenzy. The last days will be like (and are like) water going down a drain - it forms a whirlpool, and the water goes faster and faster the closer it gets to the bottom, to the end of it's journey - so it is now - we are seeing a frenzy of words, a whirlpool of words, a frenzy of information rapidly increasing as Daniel saw - and, as if caught in a whirlpool, it can make us dizzy, it can make our heads swim, till I had to cry out to the Lord - "I know nothing unless you tell it to me". Indeed, I want to know nothing except what He reveals to me - I want to shut myself in with Him and hear Him alone, and no man anymore. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Don't forget to breathe
...in the Holy Spirit
but also breathe Him out again.
We are never meant
to receive Him only
but to also give Him away
to those God leads us to breathe upon.
When the Father breathed into Adam's nostrils -
it was the Holy Spirit He breathed into him
that created Adam as a living soul.
Jesus did the same to the Apostles
in the upper room - he breathed on them -
signifying the creation of a new race
of living souls to replace the ones who died.
Our breaths, in and out, countless times,
signify our walk in the Spirit -
taking and giving, receiving and giving,
throughout our brief lives.
We must take, but we must also give.
We do not receive and hoard it, bury it,
we give that which we receive away, freely
"Freely ye have received, freely give" (Mt:10"8)
Over and over, give and take, take and give,
this is the natural rhythm of life, as God meant it to be lived. Amen. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

"Come unto Me" (Mt:28-30) is such a clear expression of God's heart for each of us. But he qualifies his call to us - "all ye that labor and are heavy laden". In context with the yoke he next mentions, we can conclude he's speaking of the bondage of sin, especially when we see that "yokes" are mentioned numerous times in the Old Testament, almost always as a form of severe bondage, slavery really - this is a graphic picture of the natural state of mankind - yoked to sin, unable to be "good" or clean in their hearts, on their own. "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". The glory of God is His holiness, His complete absence of sin, so when Jesus says "all ye that labor" he's referring to sin of which Paul says the wages of are death. We're all bound to sin until Jesus, and this is crucial - He doesn't just free us from our bondage to, our yoke to, sin, He gives us His yoke to wear - we go from being slaves to sin, to our sin nature, to his holiness.
Let's continue - "and I will give you rest". He mentions rest (from sinning) just before He says "take My yoke upon you", for, unlike sin, it's a delight to be yoked to Jesus, it's not wearisome, it's not a heavy burden, it's a joy to our souls - and He invites us to personally "learn of Me" - How glorious! He breaks the back of today's religious church system where we're taught to depend on men to learn of Jesus, we're taught to rely on and come to our pastor, or other Christians wiser than us to learn of Jesus, but here, He promises that when we come to Him, He will teach us, especially when we are yoked to Him. Like the apostles, we follow Him wherever He goes, learning to do what He does and say what our Father says. Jesus will use others to teach us but not at the expense of his personal relationship with us. Anyone He puts in our life to teach us should themselves be yoked to Jesus. Many individuals and churches want us to become yoked to them but it's Jesus himself we should be yoked too....and by so doing, we will be yoked with one another for we will be yoked to the Body of Christ, worldwide.
When He commands us to come to Him, to take His yoke and learn of Him, He gets to the heart of the matter, our hearts, by saying "for I am meek and lowly in heart". This is a key, a major key, for victory for our souls in this lifetime - humility - remaining teachable, admitting our weakness and our sins from a place of brokenness. This brings great joy to us for when we take His yoke upon us - He takes our yoke of sin upon Himself, on the Cross and shatters it, so that "ye shall find rest unto your souls". Have you ever heard the saying "no rest for the wicked?" Well, it's true - the wicked never have rest from their wickedness. Thank God under the yoke of Jesus, He gives us rest "for my yoke is easy, my burden is light."
Now as joyful as it is to take His yoke, as good and healthy it is for our souls, we still "kick against the pricks", we still struggle mightily against His yoke, we still wander back to old pastures full of harm for us. Our old nature does not die an easy death - it kicks and screams and does anything it can to keep us paying attention to it, with it's appetite for sin. It craves the pleasures of sin and refuses to submit to Jesus' yoke therefore it must "die daily" upon the Cross of Calvary - just as sins in the Old Testament had to be atoned for daily with sacrifices in the Temple. The temple we apply the blood (of Jesus) in now is our bodies, more specifically our hearts. If you will, our souls are the outer court while our spirits, our hearts, are the inner court, which contains the Holy of Holies, the most sacred place on earth (and in earth) where God the Father dwells. It is here - deep in our hearts, that we must daily apply the Blood of our sacrificial lamb to our sin nature - fully embracing His yoke as we begin each day, welcoming the "Sonlight" to shine in the midst of our inner darkness, each and every day.
This light, this revelation knowledge of the Son, when coming from our pastor, is coming from without us and can only shine on us for a few hours once or twice a week. God's desire is for His light to shine within us, so as nice as it is to hear revelation knowledge from our pastor or elder, we must mature and learn to receive it for ourselves, from ourselves - and we must remain yoked to Jesus - not our pastor or church or whoever is discipling us and if we become yoked to Christ, we must go where he leads us. He may lead us in a different path or direction than our pastor is taking us - this becomes a test of wills - God's will vs. the pastor's, and ultimately your will. Who's will will you submit to? Your pastor's or God's? Because so many are taught by their pastors that their pastor's will IS God's will, many choose to remain yoked to their church (where their pastor's will is done) rather than yoked to Christ. I'm speaking truth here, don't get offended. This test of wills will happen at some point to all who attend a denominational church or any church where man is in charge.
Micah 7:6 declares "A man's enemies are the men of his own house". Think of Joseph, think of David, whose brothers mocked him, think of Jesus, who repeated this scripture in Mt:10:36 - "And a man's foes shall be they of his own household". This is often certainly true in our natural families and houses but it is also true of our "spiritual houses", our churches. The place we meet with our spiritual family. Even your own father and mother can be wrong about you sometimes.
So, to summarize - accept His offer of His yoke - submit to it willingly, humbly and His will for you will be done from now on and you will go wherever HE leads you, stop when and where HE tells you to and you will never leave or forsake Him! Hallelujah! Amen. Selah. 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

I've been that bruised reed.
I've been that smoking flask.
I've been so weak
I could not even ask
for what it is my heart should seek.
But you did not abandon or forsake,
you did no quench
and you did not break
me beyond repair
but you took great care
and patiently you suffered long
every wrong...

Is my soul worth that much to you?
I know the answer before I ask...
You care for the mentally ill,
and every suicidal one about to take those pills
and the lonely homosexual
knowing fleshly lusts can never satisfy
and every raped and abused one
crying out to you - why?
You care so deeply it hurts -
you see each tear
you hear their weeping
you know their fears
and You've offered to take it all upon yourself
every sin, every stain,
till all that remains
is the yoke that keeps us sane
by keeping us close to you
Oh God thank you.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...