Saturday, May 26, 2018

Don't desire to be heard, desire to listen, says the Lord. Listen to Me - then I will bring you before governors and kings and I will cause your voice to be heard for your voice will be My voice and I will use your tongue as My instrument of Salvation as well as condemnation of the enemy's kingdom on earth - an earth corrupted by his presence upon it, yet it was I who cast him here, before I cast him into hell, to weed out and expose those who are of him. He has served his purpose, as a tool soon to be thrown away - yet I will not dispose of those tools who willingly put themselves in My hand, to be used by Me for My glory, not their own. Stay the course, run the race, do not faint at the finish and I will replenish your souls till every leaf shall bring healing to the nations on that day I reveal Myself to those who will not see and hear at this present time, saith the Lord. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...