Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Don't dwell on your flaws
dwell instead on Jesus' perfection.
Don't examine yourself
too closely, except to
see that you're in the faith.
Think upon whatsoever is
pure, lovely, of a good report,
in other words, think upon
Keep looking at Him,
and soon you'll see
your face reflected
in His eyes - like a mirror
and, eventually, you'll
see yourself, not as the
world sees you - but
as He sees you -
altogether perfect and lovely
without spot or blemish,
not too young,
not too old,
A Bride worthy of Him!
Set your heart on
heavenly pursuits -
set your heart
on Him
daily drink deep
of the pure well
He has dug in you
The water of life
that so satisfies
that when you drink of it
you will never thirst again -
And eat and be satisfied
with the Bread of Life
which satisfies your soul forever.
Dwell beside still waters
in good pastures
in perfect peace and safety
And when battles come -
you will see - The Lord
is mighty on your behalf,
you will stand and not fall
in the evil day,
though 10,000 fall at your side
it will not come nigh you.
Your enemy will fall
but not you -
you will sleep soundly
amidst lions
and walk in the fiery
furnace and not even
have the smell of smoke
upon you.
You shall run and not grow weary,
walk and not faint
and all you do shall prosper
for you are about your Father's business,
and all you do is for His glory
You will journey with Him
far from the things of man.
Mount up now, with wings of Eagles,
and soar above the fray.
May the Grace and Peace
of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with your soul, forever. Amen.

"These are the days of wonder and joy
that I have longed for since I was a boy!
Since I was a boy it has been God's plan
to move me to a distant land
far from the thoughts of man.."

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...