Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I heard a sinner lament. He said - You Christians walk around with a holier-than-thou attitude, as if you're better than everyone else. Anyone who does this has missed Christ. We may be better off than everyone else but we aren't  better. Real Christians don't proclaim how good they are - they proclaim how good Christ is. They profess the opposite i.e. how bad they are. The point of the Cross is - I cannot, ever, be good enough to qualify for Heaven's glory. I cannot save myself, much less maintain a level of goodness acceptable to the standard Jesus set for us. Only God can judge us, only He can deem us good, not we ourselves, for we cannot judge between good and evil without Him. No, I am merely a sinner who admits it, honestly to myself and anyone I wrong and I freely admit my constant need for Jesus to cleanse and cover me, so when the Father sees me, he sees Jesus (clothing my nakedness and shame with robes of righteousness). When Jesus sees me, he sees the Holy Spirit. No Christian should ever exalt themselves in their heart, over another. Though we are kings we must give up the throne of our hearts for God to sit on, and leave our thrones far behind in order to go forth into the world to serve - just as Jesus did. Like the elders in Revelation 4, we must cast our crowns before the Throne of our heart and fall down before Him with whom we have to do and worship him that lives forever and ever. We must declare with the elders "Thou are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created".
Worldly sinners should sense our love for them which is God's love shining through us "because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given to us". Lost souls should see us humbling ourselves in service to them, not lording it over them, proclaiming our goodness and superiority. Not teaching them to follow us or our religion because we are better than them but teaching them to follow our Christ because He alone is better than us all. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...