Sunday, July 8, 2018

Part Two : "The lesson of the manna"

Jesus will choose men to feed his sheep through them - but he will not choose men who care for or seek the praise of men - these men, like Paul, have learned not to care for the opinions or acceptance of men. This was the lesson God was trying to teach Peter when Peter esteemed men's opinions and honor - and denied Christ rather than men, and was heart broken because of it. This now was a man Jesus could use to feed his sheep. (though Peter did struggle with this throughout his life...Paul later had to rebuke him because he was honoring Jewish believers over gentiles).
Jesus said "I receive not honor from men" (Jn:5:41) "How can ye believe, which receive honor one from another and seeketh not the honor that comes from God only?"
The scriptural pattern of feeding God's sheep comes primarily through Apostles and Prophets - who do not desire to lord it over God's people or become their king. Teacher's give understanding of the revelation knowledge God brings forth but it is to ultimately teach the sheep to eat from the Good Shepherd's hand personally - to follow him and not themselves.
Remember now the lesson of the Manna (Exodus 16) - When God's people in the desert began to hunger, they cried out to God for sustenance (unfortunately, hardships are often the only way God can get his people to cry out to him)....And God himself personally provided for them with food from Heaven - "Manna", which literally means "what is it?". It was "The bread which the Lord hath given you to eat". "And the Lord commanded, gather of it, every man according to his eating." Everyone had to seek for, and gather, and eat God's food for themselves! God did not command Moses to gather it each day and then feed it to the people. He did not order the elders of each tribe to gather it and distribute it to the people. He did not order the people to gather it and bring it to Moses or the elders to redistribute it as they say fit. He even told them to "Let no man leave of it till morning", for if the did, it bred worms and stank. They were not to hoard it but gather it and eat of it each day. God is still feeding his people "manna" from heaven each day, each morning, if they will take the time to gather it. He wants us to seek him daily, he wants to feed us personally, on a daily basis.....with manna from the form of words...spoken and revealed directly from his spirit to ours. "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God". "Give us this day our DAILY BREAD (manna)". Jesus told us to ask our Father - He wants each of us seeking him daily for ourselves, not depending on our Pastor to feed us once or twice a week. This is a burden Pastor's (or anyone else), were never meant to bear and this is a practice that will anger God.
And where did the manna come from? Where did God choose to feed them this manna? "Upon the face of the wilderness". And when? "in the morning". They found the Manna as the dew melted and was gone up - we don't find God in structures made by man - we don't seek to be fed by him there. He is found in the wilderness, away from the things of man....he is found in that glorious sunrise, in the morning mist upon that lazily flowing river, in the flap of a quails wings or the silent passing of a deer. He is found early in the morning "MY voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O lord, in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up". Of his bride he says "who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?". The wilderness is distinct for this reason alone - it is completely absent of anything man made It is pure...untouched and untainted by man....if you, as God's child, choose to dwell there spiritually, you will find yourself in a camp full of others who have chosen to go there too...yet you must still seek and gather what he has for you daily on your own....churches are never to replace this personal seeking, this personal gathering and being fed by God personally. We are to go to church full....not empty....already fed, not starving....for God, for his presence, for his manna. "

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...