Friday, November 9, 2018

The festering wounds in our nation's soul did not just suddenly appear when Trump took office. They've been around for a long, long time, getting infected, inflamed, getting worse, not better. They were made much worse by Obama's eight years than by Trump's two.
Truthfully, our country is becoming more and more divided along clearer boundaries than ever before. Wrong believes it's right and they believe right is wrong and nothing we say or do can convict or convince them otherwise because it's a heart issue, not a mind issue. If intellectual discourse alone could free them from the madness gripping their hearts, we would have set them free long ago. Logic has absolutely nothing to do with their world view.

The churches, rather than accessing the hearts of our nation's citizens, have had little to no impact on the direction many in our nation are going in (hint - it's really hot there). So, until we are able to break down the wall of hate they've built around their hearts, the desire deep within to destroy themselves and our beloved USA will continue unabated. All we can really do is stand up to their hate with the genuine love of God...which of course will make them hate us all the more....but...perhaps some will be won over.....we must guard our own hearts from responding to them the way they respond to us...we must love and forgive, weapons against which Satan has no if you do pray for our nation...pray for the hearts of the people to encounter our hearts and on our tongues....and pray they will surrender to Him when they do.....Amen. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...